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frieda lawrence
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Showing posts with label
frieda lawrence
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13 Oct 2022
Spooks and Lovers: Halloween With D. H. Lawrence
Although - as far as I'm aware - D. H. Lawrence didn't celebrate Halloween, he did write a number of spooky tales with supernatura...
2 May 2022
May Day with D. H. Lawrence (1921 - 1929)
Claude Flight and Edith Lawrence Maypole Dance (1936) 1 May 1921 Lawrence is back in Germany - staying at a count...
8 Jul 2021
That City of Dreadful Night: D. H. Lawrence's Letters from Paris
Paris est toujours une bonne idée I. I'm currently reading a big fat book of essays, short stories, and poems by over seventy aut...
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14 Jun 2021
On the Art of Character Assassination cum Eternal Salute: Reflections on D. H. Lawrence's 'Memoir of Maurice Magnus'
Lawrence and Magnus photographed in Italy (c.1920) Also - Maurice! Ich grüsse dich, in der Ewigkeit. If I'm grateful to the author o...
6 Mar 2021
Concrete Afterlife: Or How to Become Your Own Gravestone
The result is a unique, self-contained and virtually eternal concrete object that represents what the person was in life. I. Concr...
13 Feb 2020
Repress Nothing! In Memory of Otto Gross
Otto Gross (1877 - 1920) Otto Gross - the maverick psychoanalyst and utopian anarchist whom radicals and exponents of free love co...
7 Feb 2020
In Memory of Dollie Radford
Robert Bryden: Dollie Radford Woodcut (1902) The English poet and playwright Caroline Maitland - better known as Dollie Radford ...
9 Jun 2018
Chapelle du Rosaire de Vence
I. Voir Vence et Mourir There are not many places in the world I would like to visit, but the small medieval market town of Vence, o...
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