Showing posts with label goslings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goslings. Show all posts

15 May 2024

Seven Little Geese and One Little Greek

Seven Baby Geese
 Raphael Park, (May 2024)
Watching Maria interact with seven recently hatched goslings in the local park, I was reminded of that scene in Lady Chatterley's Lover when Connie encounters the pheasant chicks: 
"Life! Life! Pure, sparky, fearless new life. New life! So tiny, and so utterly without fear!" [1]

Like Connie, M seemed fascinated by the adorable young birds; golden-coloured and bobbing about on the green water, whilst watched over by anxious parents.

I only hope she wasn't feeling the same agony of forlornness felt by the former. 
(I didn't notice any tears, so that's a good sign, I suppose.)     
[1] D. H. Lawrence, Lady Chatterley's Lover, ed. Michael Squires, (Cambridge University Press, 1993), p. 114.