1885 (The D. H. Lawrence Birthday Post 2019)
A Bastille Day Post (2023)
A Bird in the Bush is Better Than a Bird Forced to Nest in Rubbish
A Birthday Post
A Birthday Post on Becoming-Child
A Blast From the Past
A Brief Astrophilosophical Reflection
A Brief Comment on Boris Johnson and the Conservative Party
A Brief History of Angry Young Men and the Manosphere from John Osborne to Ian Ironwood
A Brief History of Bingo
A Brief History of Irish/Jewish Relations (With Reference to Current Events)
A Brief History of the Mug Shot From Alphonse Bertillon to Andy Warhol
A Brief Midwinter Reflection
A Brief Note on Achondroplasiaphobia (With Reference to the Case of Lucien Gagnero)
A Brief Note on Beatniks
A Brief Note on Cursed Images
A Brief Note on Heaven and Hell
A Brief Note on How Miracles Unfold as a Form of Cosmic Origami
A Brief Note on Love, Hate and Humanism
A Brief Note on Pain (Whilst Waiting to See the Dentist)
A Brief Note on the Black Beethoven Controversy
A Brief Note on the Case of King Lear (For EF)
A Brief Note on the Conceptual Penis Hoax
A Brief Note on the Life and Work of Stephan Hermlin
A Brief Note on the Psychology of Philosophy
A Brief Note on the Punk Is Dead / Punks Not Dead Debate
A Brief Note on the Queer Gothic, etc.
A Brief Note on the Queering of Superman
A Brief Note on the Question of Scale in the Work of D. H. Lawrence
A Brief Note on the Resurrection of the Damned and Johnny Rotten as an Artist in Decline
A Brief Note on The Scapegoat (1957) by Daphne du Maurier
A Character Study from The Plumed Serpent: Cipriano (First Man of Huitzilopochtli)
A Christmas Dilemma
A Cinderella Moment
A Clockwork Banana: On the Ultraviolence of Chimpanzees
A Deleuzean Approach to Literature
A Feisty Evening with Isobel Dixon, Douglas Robertson and D. H. Lawrence
A Fond Farewell to Fenella Fielding
A Letter to Heide Hatry (Parts I and II)
A Letter to Heide Hatry (Parts III-V)
'A' Level Greek (with Reference to the Case of Lady Chatterley)
A Liquid History: On the Death and Resurrection of the River Thames
A New Entry in the Big Book of Little Girls: Alma Deutscher (The Prodigy)
A Nietzschean Message for the New Year: Amor Fati
A Philosopher's Guide to Home Decorating 1: Always Use a Paintbrush Not a Roller
A Philosophical Postscript on the Paris Attacks
A Philosophical Reflection on Getting Older
A Postcard from Southend-on-Sea
A Reflection on the Jean Cocteau Murals at the Church of Notre Dame de France
A Sex Pistol in Paris
A Short History of Hot Pants with Reference to the Case of Iris Steensma
A Short Lesson in Queer Theory
A Short Lesson on Lawrentian Zoology
A Short Sermon on Anti-theism
A Sprig of Holly: Notes on Gibbeting (with Reference to the Case of Tom Jenkyn)
A Statue of One's Own: Notes on Laury Dizengremel's Sculpture of Virginia Woolf
A Tale of Two Ears and Notes on Aural Regeneration
A Tale of Two Polar Bears: Dominic Harris Contra Heide Hatry
A Tale of Two Toby Jugs
A Thousand Kisses Say Goodbye (In Memory of Françoise Hardy)
A Thanatological Fragment
A Touch of Evil à la D. H. Lawrence
A Town Called Prato (Notes on Sino-Italian Relations in the Age of Coronavirus)
A Transpolitical Afterword
A Vagina Monologue
A Warning from Cinematic History: The Tragic Case of James Xavier - The Man with the X-Ray Eyes
Above all Things Encourage a Straight Backbone
Absolute Zero
Aces High: Reflections on Asexuality
Ad Hominem à la Friedrich Nietzsche
Additional Thoughts on Síomón Solomon's 'The Atonement of Lesley Ann'
Adoration of the Golden Calf
Advance Australia (into Darkness)
Advice to a Young Blogger (1): Be Consistent, Insistent, and Persistent
Advice to a Young Blogger (2): On Establishing Your Blog as a Plane of Immanence
After the Orgy: Rise of the Herbivores
Again to Nowhere and Nothing Again: The Multiple Death-in-Life Masks of Charles Manson - A Guest Post by Símón Solomon
Agnès Gayraud: la philosophe de la pop
Ailurophilia: On Baudelaire's Erotic Fascination with Cats
Ailurophilia: The Case of Gary Seven and Isis
Ali Baba Comes Today: Notes on Jack Smith's Flaming Creatures
Alice in the Empire of Signs
Alien Spring
All Aboard! On D. H. Lawrence and Trains
All Aboard the Good Ship Greta
All Change: Notes on Chapter 5 of Metamorphoses by Emanuele Coccia
All Dolled Up with Lulu Hashimoto
All Flowers are Evil (Even Lilies of the Valley)
All Hail the New Flesh! (On D. H. Lawrence's Impure Pictures)
All I Want for Christmas ...
All Is Forgiven, But Nothing Learnt in The Case of Charlie Hebdo
All of My Life is All I'll Give You: Un/Holy Reflections on the Case of St. Nietzsche (A Guest Post by Símón Solomon)
All of Us: The War Poems of D. H. Lawrence
All That Jazz Aloha! Should Johnny Rotten Mind His Language?
Always Be Kind to Cats!
Always Pet a Cat When You Encounter One
Aly Buttons: On Her Lumpiness and Loveliness
Alzheimer's and the Becoming-Object of Loved Ones
American Psycho and the Slave Revolt in Morals
Amethyst: Brief Reflections on My Birthstone and Dionysian Philosophy
Amorous Ruin (Or Why Nick Land Makes Bad Boyfriend Material) #TBT
Amplifying Deviance and Danger: Notes on the Concept of Moral Panic
An A-Z of Torpedophilia
An American Battle-axe: Notes on the Life and Times of Caroline Nation
An Assemblage of Animals, Angels, and Wise Men: Reflections on Tomoaki Suzuki's Nativity Scene
An Atheist Responds to Pope Francis
An Interview with Malcolm McLaren (August 1984)
An Untimely Meditation on How to Write an Effective Blog (The Nietzsche Birthday Post 2021)
Ana: the Little Match Girl of Harold Hill
Anankastikos (In Defence of OCPD)
Anasyrma: Upskirt Politics and Vulva Activism
Anatomy Presupposes a Waxwork Venus
And Fungal Life Shall Triumph
And I Wanna Live Yesterday Tomorrow
And No Birds Sing
And so this is Christmas ...
And Then This: More Random Thoughts on Samuel Beckett
And Then What: Random Thoughts on Samuel Beckett
And They Dance by the Light of the Moon ...
And Venus Among the Fishes Skips
And What are Chickens For in a Destitute Time?
And Winner, of the 2014 Torpedo the Ark Award, Is ...
André Masson and the Sex Pistols
Andy Warhol's Decorated Penis
Angela Carter and Lorenzo the Closet Queen
Anger is an Energy: On the Politics of Thymos
Animal Farm: A Business Tale Featuring Mike Ashley as Napoleon and Joseph Corré as Squealer
Anja Niemi: Photography Degree Zero
Another Bloody Sunset (On Eternal Recurrence and the Snobbery of Photographers)
Another Brief Note on the Case of Milo Yiannopoulos
Another Sponge Worthy Post
ANT/Music: Cut off the Head, Legs Coming Looking for You
Anti-Human Reflections on the Red-Billed Leiothrix
Ants and the Spirit of Christmas
Anyone Can Be Van Gogh With an iPhone
Aparigraha and Adoxia (Notes on Yoga and Cynicism)
Aphantasia: On Eliminating the Imagination
Aphrodite's Girdle
Apocalypse Now
Apple Maggots
April is the Cruelest Month
Arborcide in the U. K.
Are We Really Returning to the 1970s? (I Wish ...)
Are You Pervin on Me? (Notes on The Blind Man, by D. H. Lawrence)
Art, Sex and Dolphins (with Reference to the Work of Jeff Koons)
Artificial Intelligence and the Question of Racism (The Case of Jacky Alcine)
Artificial Intelligence Doesn't Get Goosebumps
As Bees to Wanton Boys
As for Lawrence ... A Reply to James Walker
As for Lawrence ... He's a Moral Conservative
Ash to Ashes (In Memory of a Pagan Philosopher)
Asphyxiophilia: Reflections on the Case of Gerald and Gudrun
Asspresso: A Brief History of Coffee Enemas
At Last the Legend of the White Rhinoceros is Fulfilled: Notes on Prehistoric Women (1967)
At the Gym with D. H. Lawrence
At the Polar Bear Hotel
At the Tail End of German Idealism
At the Well with Martin Heidegger, D. H. Lawrence and Onyofi the Chimp
Ataraxia (Notes on the Ethics of Pleasure with Reference to the Work of Epicurus and Nietzsche)
Athenian Street Dogs
Atomic: The D. H. Lawrence Memorial Post (2021)
Audrey's Ghost
Auðumbla: The Primeval Cow of Norse Mythology
Aujourd’hui, Juliette Gréco est morte
Aujourd'hui, Maman est morte
Aurora Contra Airfix
Auschwitz and the Question of Evil
Auschwitz-Geschichten 1: In Memory of Prisoner 26947 (Czesława Kwoka)
Auschwitz-Geschichten 2: Block 24 (The Dolls House)
Auschwitz-Geschichten 3: All Caught Up in Barbed Wire Love
Authorial Insouciance contra Editorial Zeal
Autobiographical Fragment: Eine Schöne Romanze
Autobiographical Fragment: Off to Sunny Spain (October 1985)
Autobiographical Fragment: This is the Nine O'Clock News from the BBC
Autogynephilia (The D. H. Lawrence Birthday Post 2016)
Aux armes et caetera
Aux Chiottes with Junichirō Tanizaki
Ayn Rand: The Mme. Blavatsky of Wall Street
B is for ... Baudelaire, Bataille, Barthes, and Baudrillard
Baby/Doll (With Reference to the Work of W. B. Yeats)
Baby Shoes (A Brief Note on Flash Fiction)
Baby You're So Overweight, Baby You're the One (Some Thoughts on Fat Acceptance, etc.)
Back to Black: Reflections on the Darkness of Being
Back to School in the Age of Coronavirus
Bad Boys (With Reference to the Cases of Johnny Strabler and George Costanza)
Bad Romance
Barefoot in Bloomsbury (The Case of Virginia Bodoin)
Be a Wise Monkey
Be Kind to Bees
Be Sure to Wear Some Flowers in Your Hair: Notes on the Vinok
Because the Night
Becoming-Imperceptible: Notes on 'The Woman Who Wanted to Disappear'
Becoming-Insect 1: The Case of Gregor Samsa
Becoming-Insect 2: The Case of Seth Brundle
Becoming-Other (Part 1): The Case of Boglarka Balogh
Becoming-Other (Part 2): Alien Sympathy and the Poetic Imagination (With Reference to the Work of D. H. Lawrence)
Becoming-Robot With Nam June Paik
Bee Consciousness: the Latest Buzz from the World of Melittology (and How D. H. Lawrence Stung First)
Behind the Red Fence
Beijing Über Alles: On the Western World's Becoming-Chinese in the Age of Coronavirus
Being is Time: Life in the Present Perfect Continuous
Believe in the Ruins: In Praise of Hayat Nazer
Believe in the Ruins: Reflections of a Gargoyle on the Great Fire of Notre-Dame de Paris
Ben Carson: An American Idiot
Ben Lerner: The Hatred of Poetry (A Review)
Beneath the Wheel
Better a Spectacular Failure ...
Better Dead Than Woke: Reflections on Sam Tyler's Suicide in 'Life on Mars'
Better Penny Red than Dead
Better Than the Original: On the Joy of Cover Versions
Betty Boop Versus the Censor-Morons
Between Thy Moon-Lit, Milk-White Thighs
Beyond Good and Alcohol
Big Mac Amongst the Bramble
Bigging Up the Gibson Girl
Birkin's Cat (Notes on Sexual Politics and Feline Philosophy in Women in Love)
Birthday Musings of an Aquarian
Birthday Reflections
Black Daisies for Lorrie Millington (Or One Flew Over the Duck's Nest)
Black Holes
Black is Not Beautiful: Black is Sublime (A Note on Race and Aesthetics)
Black Sun Flower
Black Wonder Women 1: Nubia
Black Wonder Women 2: Raje
Black Noise (On the Poetry of Francis Ponge)
Blasse Tage: Attempt at a New Translation and Notes Towards a Theory of Translation
Blessed are the Greens ...
Bliss it Was in that Dawn to be Alive: Reflections on the Event of May '68
Blood, Sex, and the Inviolable Nature of Objects
Blue Balls (With Reference to the Work of Jeff Koons and D. H. Lawrence)
Blue is the Colour ... Notes on Barnett Newman's Onement VI
Blue is the Colour ... Notes on Rilke's Blue Delirium
Blue is the Colour ... Yves Klein is the Name
Blurred Lines (In Praise of Plagiarism)
Bodies Mystical and Medical
Booking In at the Clinic Exclusive (In Memory of Georgina Ward)
Boris Johnson - What a Cnut! (Further Reflections on Coronavirus)
Boxing Day with Baudrillard
Breast Ironing
Breast Relief for a Dying God
Bret Easton Ellis: Towards a Non-Magical, Non-Elvish Gay Life
Brian Clough's Socialism of the Heart
Brief Notes on David Bowie's 'Life on Mars'
Brief Notes on the History of the Human Flock 1: The Pagan Era
Brief Notes on the History of the Human Flock 2: The Judeo-Christian Era
Build Back Better
But Malcolm, They'll Not Be Able to Find It ...<br />
Byromania: The Malcolm McLaren Birthday Post (2022)
Cabaret: Divine Decadence and Fascinating Fascism
Caitlin Doughty: Death Becomes Her
California Über Alles
Calimocho: On the Politics of Wine and Cola
Call It: Thoughts on the Coin Toss Scene in No Country for Old Men
Can Anyone be a Sex Pistol?
Candy Flower
Can't We Talk About This?
Capnolagnia (Fragment from an Illicit Lover's Discourse)
Cara Love and the Mutant Wolves of Chernobyl
Carbon Footprints and Diamond Geezers: On the Allotropic Love Affair Between Rupert Birkin and Gerald Crich
Carlo Rovelli: Seven Brief Lessons on Physics (A Review)
Carri on Sex Pistols (Comments on the Case of Joe Corré and His Bonfire of Punk)
Carry On Bertie
Carry On Caligula
Carry on Cross Dressing
Carry On Cruising
Carry On Facesitting
Carry on Plautus: The Romans in Films and on TV
Cars (Have You Ever Stopped to Think Who's the Slave and Who's the Master?)
Case Studies from The White Stocking 1: Elsie Whiston (A Prick Tease with Pearl Earrings)
Case Studies from The White Stocking 2: Sam Adams (A Lothario Who Makes Love to Music)
Case Studies from The White Stocking 3: Ted Whiston (An Abusive Husband with a Cuckold Fetish)
Cat and Mauss (Reflections on the Notion of the Gift)
Cat Killer / Cat Saviour
Celia Shits! Notes on Jonathan Swift's 'The Lady's Dressing Room' and (Alleged) Coprophobia
Chairman Mao and the Swindle of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Chaos Continues to Reign
Chaos Reigns (Memento Mori)
Chapelle du Rosaire de Vence
Chastity (Or the Peace That Comes of Fucking)
Charles, Prince of Piffle
Chase Me - Catch Me - Kill Me - Eat Me!
Chaturbate and the Question of Cynicism
Cheirophilia: the Hands of Rachel Ashley
Chinese Beauty Tips with Reference to the Case of Kina Shen
Chinese Pigs
Chris D. Thomas: Inheritors of the Earth - Six Key Ideas (Part 1: Sections I - III)
Chris D. Thomas: Inheritors of the Earth - Six Key Ideas (Part 2: Sections IV-VI)
Chrysopoeia 1: Goldfinger (He's the Man - the Man with the Midas Touch)
Chrysopoeia 2: Volpone (He's the Fox - the Fox with the Golden Brush)
Chrysopoeia 3: No More Gas, Just Gold He Said - Gold on My Head!
Cicchetti and Toxic Masculinity
Cinema Botanica (An Introduction to the World of Plant Porn)
City All Over (Notes on Urban Wildlife)
City of the Dead
Clan Mackie (Or How We Can All Play Identity Politics If We Want To)
Clap Trap
Class Sketch
Claude Lalanne, Serge Gainsbourg, and the Man with the Cabbage Head
Clothes Maketh the Woman (With Reference to the Queer Case of Nellie March)
Cocksuckers and Communists
Cocoon Above! Cocoon Below! Notes on Chapter 2 of Metamorphoses by Emanuele Coccia
Colaphology: On the Politics and Pleasure of Turning the Other Cheek
Cold Turkey and TV (How We're Betrayed by Tradition)
Collaboration Horizontale (With Reference to the Case of Arletty)
Colour Her Gone: In Memory of Pauline Boty
Come Not with Kisses: Leda, Lawrence and the Swan
Comes Over One An Absolute Necessity to Move ... (A Lesson in Disillusion)
Commemoratio omnium fidelium defunctorum: A Post for All Souls' Day in Memory of My Mother
Comrade Dawn
Concrete Afterlife: Or How to Become Your Own Gravestone
Continuous as the Stars That Shine ...
Contrasting Visions of the Last Man in Nietzsche and Olaf Stapledon
Cor, Strike a Light! In Memory of the East End Matchgirls
Corpus Delicti (With Reference to the Case of D. H. Lawrence)
Couscous with Rancid Butter: Thoughts on Charles Fourier
Cover Girl Killer (1959)
Crash (Towards a New Economy of Bodies and their Pleasures)
Crass By Name ...
Crawling on All Fours in Shaggy Inhumanity ...
Creature Feature: Breaking News from the Black Lagoon - A Report by Gilbert Mann
Cruella De Vil: If She Doesn't Scare You, No Evil Thing Will
Cum Play With Mellors: On the Sexual Politics of Ejaculation
Cut it Out - Reflections on Blue Nudes and Racial Fetishism in the Work of Henri Matisse
Cut the Crap: In Praise of Occam's Razor
D&G: What is Philosophy?
D. H. Lawrence: A Tale of Two Kitties
D. H. Lawrence and a Postcard from Paris
D. H. Lawrence and E. M. Cioran on Man's Becoming-Animal
D. H. Lawrence and E. M. Cioran on Sex Appeal and the Beauty of Flames
D. H. Lawrence and E. M. Cioran on the Bath of Fire and Becoming-Ash
D. H. Lawrence and Malcolm McLaren: Sex Pistols
D. H. Lawrence and Susan, the Black-Eyed Cow
D. H. Lawrence and the Ache for Being
D. H. Lawrence and the Arts: An Initial Reaction Written Under the Influence of Sour Grapes and Baudrillard
D. H. Lawrence and the Cashless Society
D. H. Lawrence and the Grand Perverts
D. H. Lawrence and the Idea of Sacrifice
D. H. Lawrence and the Ideal Side of Books
D. H. Lawrence and the Myth of Maternal Impression
D. H. Lawrence and the Novel (Part 1)
D. H. Lawrence and the Novel (Part 2)
D. H. Lawrence and the Poetry of Evil
D. H. Lawrence and the Prickly Politics of Vitalism
D. H. Lawrence and the Question of Spermism
D. H. Lawrence and Trans Issues
D. H. Lawrence and Vaginal Ecosophy
D. H. Lawrence: In Sickness and in Health
D. H. Lawrence is all the Rage
D. H. Lawrence on Humanism, Human Exceptionalism and Common Ancestry
D. H. Lawrence: Priest of Kink
D. H. Lawrence: The Hammer of Love
D. H. Lawrence: The Reluctant Fashion Beast
D. H. Lawrence: The Reluctant Londoner
D. H. Lawrence's Becoming-Bat
D. H. Lawrence's Daimonic Dendrophilia
D. H. Lawrence's Dendrophilia
D. H. Lawrence's Kangaroo and Some Transpolitical Musings
D. H. Lawrence's Philosophy of Mind
D. H. Lawrence's Vision of a Demonic America
Dancing Barefoot (with Reference to the Case of Alice Howells)
Dancing Jesus
Dancing With the Devil in the Pale Moonlight (A Brief History of Scandalous Dances)
Dandelion: D. H. Lawrence and the Question of Care
Dare to See the World Through Deaf Eyes
Dark Enlightenment 1: On the Politics of Hate
Dark Enlightenment 2: On Exiting the Present
Dark Enlightenment 3: On the Zombie Apocalypse
Dark Enlightenment 4: On Rejecting Universalism
Darkness On Christmas Day: Notes on Arthur Koestler (Overrated Novelist, Parapsychologist, Alleged Rapist, etc.)
David Bowie
Day 369: Notes on the Case of Jay Austin and Lauren Geoghegan
Day of the Dead (Essex Style)
Dead Dreams Fly Flags
Dead Men Make Good Mould
Deadnaming (With Reference to the Case of Mara in the Book of Ruth)
Deborah de Robertis: The Naked Truth
Decorating the World with David Bromley
Deepfake and the Triumph of Lying
Deleuze and the Philosophy of Slander
Dem Bones, Dem Bones, Dem Dry Bones
Dementia: From Bad to Verse
Demon Cats (With Reference to the Case of Pixel)
Denise, Denise (In Memory of My Childhood Sweetheart)
Der Schrei der Natur
Dermatillomania: On Blogging as an Itch One Simply Has to Scratch
Designer Tribalism and the Racism of Low Expectations
Desperate Farmwives
Destroy! Notes on a Punk Imperative
Ding Dong! In Memory of Laura Bell (Queen of London Whoredom)
Dinner with Malcolm at L'Escargot
Dionysos Versus the Amazons
Disney Über Alles
Diversity: What Would Nietzsche Think?
D'notre amour fou n'resterait que des cendres (In Memory of Jane Birkin & Serge Gainsbourg)
Do You Scroll and Stroll? A Reply to David Sexton
Dog Bites: On the Question of Man and Animal (and the Becoming-Animal of Man)
Dollification: The Cases of Bastian Schweinsteiger and Alexander Hepburn
Domesticity Kills
Donkey Punch: On the Politics of Zoosadism
Don't Go to the Baker's with D. H. Lawrence
Don't It Make Your Blue Eyes Weep - A Guest Post by Simon Solomon
Don't Let D. H. Lawrence Rub You Up the Wrong Way
Don't Look Now - Because This is the End
Don't Touch Me!
Don't You Ever Stop Being Dandy: In Memory of Bunny Roger
Don't You Know Jesus Christ is a Sausage?
Double Dutch
Double Exposure (A Tale of Two Pictures)
Douglas Murray: The Madness of Crowds
Downblouse and Upskirt (Get a Good Look Costanza?)
Dr Bayard's Cough Drops
Drinking the Silence: Notes on the Case of Georg Trakl
Dying Game
Dyspepsia: Notes on Nietzsche, Insomnia and Indigestion
Easter with the Anti-Christ
Easter with the Anti-Christ: (2019 Version)
Easter with the Anti-Christ: In Praise of Pontius Pilate
Eat the Rich!
eBay and the Question of Holocaust Memoribilia
Ecce Homo: How One Becomes as Queer as One Is
Eco-Apocalypse: It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)
Ecosexuality Contra Necrofloraphilia (How Best to Love the Earth)
Edwige Fenech (Queen of Italian Cinema)
Education, Education, Education à la D. H. Lawrence
Education for Death
Element 6
Elements of Gothic Queerness
Elephant Rebellion (with Reference to the Case of Tyke)
Elephants Can Be Murderous Too
Émile Gilliéron: the Man Who Sold the Ancient World
Enchanted Clothing 1: Icelandic Necropants
Enchanted Clothing 2: Dali's Aphrodisiac Jacket
Endgame: the Case of Nazi Paikidze
England, Our England: Notes on D. H. Lawrence's Oikophobia
Enienay: Fashion Among the Ruins
Entomophilia 1: Insect Fetish
Entomophilia 2: Crush Fetish
Ephebophilia (with Reference to the Cases of Adam Johnson and Will Brangwen)
Equus Eroticus (1): The Case of Lady Carrington
Equus Eroticus (2): The Case of Alan Strang
Eric Gill: On Trousers and the Most Precious Ornament
Eros, Anteros, and the Angel of Christian Charity (Notes on the Shaftesbury Memorial)
Eros und Freundschaft: Notes on the Hannah Arendt-Martin Heidegger-Walter Benjamin Triangle
Eroticism in Man and Bed Bug
Eroticism in Man and Slug
European Ghost Dance
Eurotophobia and the Case of Yulia Tsvetkova
Eve Teasing
Even Nice Guys Get Things Wrong
Even the Dead Don't Rest in Peace
Even the Moon's Frightened of Me! (Philosophical Reflections on the Case of the Invisible Man)
Even Wounded Books Remain Complicit With Evil
Evening All: Reflections on the Case of PC Semple
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
Every Little (Act of Animal Cruelty) Helps ...
Every Woman Adores a Futurist: On the Manifestos of Valentine de Saint-Point
Everything Ends in Shit
Evoking the Spirit of the Champawat Tiger
Evolution as a Vaudeville of Forms: Notes on Genetic Drift and Ontological Seasickness
Evolution Needs Death More Than It Loves Life: Reflections on Extinction Rebellion
Excessive Brightness Drove the Poet into Darkness
Executing Elephants Part I: The Case of Mary (Death by Hanging)
Executing Elephants Part II: The Case of Topsy (Death by Electrocution)
Executing Elephants Part III: The Case of Chunee (Death by Firing Squad)
Existence is Elusive 1: In Memory of Irmgard Keun and The Artificial Silk Girl
Existence is Elusive 2: Further Reflections on The Artificial Silk Girl
Existentialism is a Disappointment
Explain to the Angels Who Norm Macdonald Is ...
Express Yourself: On How Individualism Becomes Socially Corrosive
Fairy Tale
Faith and Feminism in Pakistan
Falling in Love Again
Fascism May Be Fascinating, But Do Not Become Enamoured of Power
Fashion in the Age of Coronavirus
Fasten Your Seat Belts! (In Support of Pussy Riot)
Fatal Attraction: Notes on Hybristophilia
Fatal Attraction: On Cats, Rats, and Parasites
Fear of a Deaf Planet: Or Why I Don't Like Alexander Graham Bell
Feathered Friends
Federico Campagna: A Man of Faith and Folly
Feed the World
Feisty One I'm Not!
Film Kills (1): At the Pictures with D. H. Lawrence
Film Kills (2): On Images, Objects and Speculative Realism
Final Reflections on Hölderlin's Poltergeists (A Drama for Voices by Síomón Solomon)
Fish Out of Water (Notes on Evolution and Cruelty)
Five Brief Notes on Rockism, Poptimism, and Authenticity (With Reference to Malcolm McLaren and the Sex Pistols)
Flaco the Owl and the Skeleton Tree
Fleurs du Mal
Flogging a Dead Horse (Notes on The Rocking Horse Winner)
Floraphilia Redux (With Reference to the Case of Rupert Birkin)
FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)
Fond Memories of The Wicked Lady
Footnote on Quentin Tarantino's 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood'
For a (Nietzschean) Reformation of Manners
Forest Bathing
Forever Dead and Lovely: Notes on Izima Kaoru's Landscapes with a Corpse
Forever Dead and Lovely: Notes on Melanie Pullen's High Fashion Crime Scenes
Forniphilia: In Praise of Becoming-Object (A Post for International Women's Day 2017)
Foucauldian Thoughts on Never Mind the Bollocks
Foucault's Islamic Folly
Four Legs Good: In Memory of Lisa Bufano
Four Fascinating Things About the Amish
Fowl, Strange, and Unnatural: The Case of Rehan and Haleema Baig
Fox Tales
Fragment from an Illicit Lover's Discourse
Fragment from the Dementia Diary: Day 2000
Fragmented Remarks on Mark Fisher's Ghosts of My Life - Part 1: Lost Futures
Fragmented Remarks on Mark Fisher's Ghosts of My Life - Part 2: The Return of the 70s<
Fragmented Remarks on Mark Fisher's Ghosts of My Life - Part 3: Hauntology
Fragmented Remarks on Mark Fisher's Ghosts of My Life - Part 4: The Stain of Place
Fragments from a Dark History of Black Fashion (I-IV)
Fragments from a Dark History of Black Fashion (V-VII)
Fragments of Glass (2006)
Fragments of Remembrance
Fran Lock: In Praise of the Exclamation Mark!
Francesca Woodman: An American Genius
Francis Davey: the Vicar of Altarnun
Free the Probe-Heads! Once More into the Uncanny Valley with Daniel Silver
Freedom In the Age of Coronavirus (Update)
Freedom? There Ain't No Fucking Freedom!
French Kiss
French Knickers
French Maid
Fresh Air Contra Central Heating
Freud in the Age of Neuroscience
From a Baby in a Basket ... Lines in Memory of My Mother: Doreen Hall (10 July 1926 - 13 Feb 2023)
From a Eureka Moment to the Crack-Up
From Beatlemania to Dyschronia: Some Thoughts on 'Now and Then'
From Chimpan-A to Chimpan-Z
From Codpiece to Camel Toe Pants
From Duck Soup to Duck Rock: On Malcolm McLaren and the Marx Brothers
From Harold Hill to Hampstead Heath: Walking in the Footsteps of D. H. Lawrence with Catherine Brown
From Kant's Cave to Nietzsche's Kindergarten (Confessions of a Children's Entertainer)
From Roman Amphitheatre to Nazi Death Camp (A Note on the Topology of Violence)
From the Archives ... A Brief Style Guide for the Nietzschean Woman
From the Archives ... Lovely Louise (On the Nakedness of the Prostitute)
From the Archives ... On My Dealings with Channel 4
From the Archives ... The Bad Mood - by Lorrie
From the Barbary Wars to the War on Terror
From the Land of Cockaigne to the Big Rock Candy Mountains
From the Office of Malcolm McLaren
From the Soil Beneath Our Feet to the Iron in Our Soul (Another Open Letter to Heide Hatry)
From Too Many Notes to Silence
From Victory to Stone: Into the Uncanny Valley with Daniel Silver
Fruity Shit
Frying Tonight! (Notes on Fish and Chips)
Further Reflections on a Black Cat
Further Reflections on Baby Mia
Further Reflections on Frances Wilson's 'Burning Man'
Further Reflections on the Porcupine Dilemma - A Guest Post by Simon Solomon
Further Remarks on the Case of Gideon Falter
Further Thoughts on Síomón Solomon's 'The Atonement of Lesley Ann'
Further Thoughts on the Art of Translating Man Back Into Nature (with Reference to the Work of Orly Faya)
Futuristic Fashion: The Sci-Fi Mini-Skirt
Gaby Hinsliff Versus Douglas Murray: You Pays Your Money and You Takes Your Choice
Galliano's Auntie
Gallows Corner (Reflections on Capital Punishment and Lessons in Paganism)
Gandhi: Holy Fool and Hypocrite
Gelassenheit: Notes on Heidegger and the Money Calm Bull
Generation Snowflake
Gender Patterns
Genitalpanik 1: My Pussy My Copyright
Genitalpanik 2: On Valie Export and Her Action Pants
Genki: Reflections on the Work of Daikichi Amano
Geoff Dyer
George is Getting Upset! (Notes on Illeism)
Gerontophilia: Notes on Beautiful Old Age
Gerontophilia: Notes on Elder Rights and Ageivism
Get It On and Punk It Up With Marc Bolan
Get Knotted: In Praise of the Hanky as Headwear and Why I Hate the Gumbys
Get Off Your Knees and Hear the Insect Prayer: Notes on the Ant People
Ghost Cats
Ghost Rider
Ghost Town
Ghost Variations: Notes on the Madness of Robert Schumann
Give a Girl the Right Shoes ...
Give Me the Madness of My Ladybird
Give Your Heart to the Hawks: On the Inhumanism of Robinson Jeffers
Glitch: The Art of Error and Imperfection (With Reference to the Photography of Julia Margaret Cameron)
Global Goals
God Save the Black Bears
God Save the King ...? The D. H. Lawrence Birthday Post (2022)
Going Gaga for Go-Go Boots
Gokkun: Notes on the Swallowing (and Spitting) of Semen
Golden Girls (with Reference to the Case of Jill Masterson)
Gone Fishing
Good Husbands Make Unhappy Wives
Good News / Bad News
Good Things Come in Small Packages: Notes on Microphilia with Reference to the Case of Tinker Bell
Gordon Ramsay and D. H. Lawrence Versus the Cornish
Gotta Gettaway (Confessions of a Desperate Housewife)
Götzen-Dämmerung: Notes on Wandering Wombs, Spontaneous Generation, Bodily Humours and the Ancient Greek Soul
Graham Harman: The Third Table (Synopsis and Critique)
Grand Austrian Perverts 1: Arthur Schnitzler
Grand Austrian Perverts 2: Egon Schiele
Grand Austrian Perverts 3: Sigmund Freud
Great Moments in Rock 'n' Roll History as Seen on TV: Bowie Performs 'Starman' on Top of the Pops (6 July 1972)
Great Moments in Rock 'n' Roll History as Seen on TV: Elvis Performs 'Hound Dog' on The Milton Berle Show (5 June 1956)
Greta Thunberg: Child Saviour or Witch?
Guards! D. H. Lawrence and the Potency of Men
Guilt-Shame-Fear (Notes on the Spectrum of Cultures)
Gymnosophy 1: On the Naked Philosophers of the Ancient World
Gymnosophy 2: On German Free Body Culture and the Third Reich
Gymnosophy 3: Ye Shall be Naked in Your Rites (Redux)
Gymnosophy 4: Oh Yes They Call it the Streak (Boogity, Boogity)
H. P. Lovecraft and the Sordid Topic of Coin
Hail, Emperor Grayling
Halloween at the Kit Kat Club 1984/2024
Hamartiology: Notes on the Greening of Sin and Carbon Offsetting
Hand Partialism
Hanging on the Telephone
Happy Birthday Carolee Schneemann
Happy Birthday Julien Temple (and in Memory of Malcolm McLaren)
Happy Birthday to the Hai Karate Girl
Happy New Year
Happy New Year from the Ghost of Jean Baudrillard
Happy to be Hopeless this Christmas
Happy to Live in a Soulless World
Haters Back Off! I Love Miranda Sings
He Stands, and I Tremble Before Him (Reflections on D. H. Lawrence's Phallic Poetry)
He That Aches With Amorous Love: Lawrence's Critique of Walt Whitman's Idealism
He Took It Out: Thoughts on the Case of Louis CK
He Who Lives by the Tusk ...
Heads You Lose: Reflections on Craniopagus Parasiticus (with Reference to the Case of Manar Maged)
Headscarves and Headlines
Healthy Body, Healthy Mind: Notes on NHS Values
Hedgehogs Versus HS2
Heide and the Naked Snail (Was ist das Deutsche Genie?)
Heide Hatry: Icons in Ash
Heide Hatry's Icons in Ice and an Inconvenient Truth About Polar Bears
Heidegger's 'Letter on Humanism'
Heidegger and the Thing
Heidegger Vs Tyson Fury
Hello Darkness My Old Friend ...
Help! I'm Turning into a Tapeworm (Don't Tell Me Not to Worry)
Hello Dolly: On the Life and Work of Hans Bellmer
Her Rich Attire Creeps Rustling to Her Knees
Here's to the Crazy Ones: In Praise of Emotional Intensity
Here We Are Nowhere (Bienvenue à l'Hôtel Non-Lieu)
Hey Look, It's Me!
Him With His "Tail" in His Mouth
His Bowels Did Yearn Upon His Brother (Notes on Ganymede, by Daphne du Maurier)
Hold Your Post-Historical Horses! It's the D. H. Lawrence Birthday Post 2020
Holocaust Impiety: Notes on Belsen Was a Gas
Holy Trichophilia! It's Hairy Mary Magdalene!
Hollywood Tales: Notes on the Relationship between Kirk Douglas and John Wayne
Holy Cow
Homochirality: Reflections on Mirror Life
Homophobia: Mixing Desire With Disgust
гомофобия: Vladimir Putin Versus the Gay Emoji
Honey for Everyone
Hoplophilia 1: Melanie Blanchard and the Practice of Joy before Death
Hoplophilia 2: Mark and Jez: For the Love of Gunny
Hooray for Male Hosiery
Horrors of the Black Museum (1959)
Horrors of the Casting Couch
Horses, Horses, Horses, Horses!
Hot Dog (Another Postcard from Southend)
Hot Gypsy Girls 1: On the Racial and Sexual Stereotyping of Romani Women
Hot Gypsy Girls 2: Esmeralda - Trope Codifier and Fraud
Hot Gypsy Girls 3: On Carmen and Her Seduction of a Famous German Philosopher
Houellebecq Variations
How Anti-Bird Spikes Became De Rigueur Nesting Material Amongst Corvids
How Beautiful Yellow Is
How Playing the Part of a Real Troublemaker Secured Roadent His Place in the Pop Cultural Imagination
How the Metaverse Reduces Us All in Stature
How Things Protect Us From the Void
How Things Protect Us From the Void: Some Further Thoughts with Reference to the Work of Michael Landy
How Anti-Bird Spikes Became De Rigueur Nesting Material Amongst Corvids
How Bridges Love the Gap Between Objects
How Do I Understand the Flies?
How Even Sade Becomes Boring
How Even Witches Lose Their Charm
How Fascism Makes Killers Of Us All (With Reference to the Case of Stephan Hermlin)
How Kindness Gives Way to Cruelty
How Love Bridges the Gap Between Objects
How Murder of the Other Ends in Self-Destruction
How Religion Makes Monkeys of Us All
How the Metaverse Reduces Us All in Stature
How Things Protect Us From the Void
How Things Protect Us From the Void: Some Further Thoughts with Reference to the Work of Michael Landy
How to be an Idle Cunt
How Winston Wolf Lost His Bite
Hurrah for the Horta! (Notes on the Possibility of Silicon Based Life)
Hypertrichosis: Notes on the Cases of Fedor Jeftichew and Petrus Gonsalvus
I Am Elektro: My Brain Is Bigger Than Yours
I Am Heinrich Heine
I Care - But I'm Not Mother Teresa
I Don't Care if Monday's Blue ...
I Don't Know as I Get What D. H. Lawrence is Driving at When He Writes of Bursten Bowels ...
I Forgot More Than You'll Ever Know About Her: She Sherriff (the First Buffalo Gal)
I Have Nothing To Say
I Had So Much Rather the Centaur Had Slain Hercules ...
I Love Cherries (But I'm Not a Royalist)
I Love Everything That Flows
I Love You in Velvet (and Silk Underwear): Notes on the Wagner Case
I'm All Ears: Notes on the Strange Case of Momo and the Art of Listening
I on Sports: One Guy's Opinion of Football as a Televised Global Spectacle
I Shall Speak of Geist, of Flame, and of Glimpses
I Still Dream of Orgonon: Notes on the Strange Life and Times of Wilhelm Reich (Part 1: The European Years)
I Still Dream of Orgonon: Notes on the Strange Life and Times of Wilhelm Reich (Part 2: The American Years)
I, Too, Dislike It: Thoughts on The Hatred of Poetry by Ben Lerner
I Wanna Be Your Dog (On Cynicism and Modern Art)
I Wanna Destroy the Passerby (Notes on Johnny Rotten as Good Samaritan)
I Will Show You How to Sneer With a Handful of Dust: Ash from Chaos by Joe Corré
I Wish I Was Skiing (Fragment from the Dementia Diary)
I Would Like to Know the Stars Again: Reflections on Astronomy and Astrology in the Work of D. H. Lawrence
I Would Prefer Not To
Ian Bogost: Play Anything (2016) - A Review (Part 1: Notes on a Preface)
Ian Bogost: Play Anything (2016) - A Review (Part 2: Chapters 1-4)
Ian Bogost: Play Anything (2016) - A Review (Part 3: Chapters 5-7)
Iconography is Never Innocent
Identity is the Crisis Can't You See
If He Only Had a Soul: Notes on Eric the Robot
If It Be Not True To Me ... Reflections on D. H. Lawrence's Phallic Epistemology
If We Could Talk to the Animals
If You Only Palpitate to Murder / No One is Innocent
If You're Human and You Know It Clap Your Hands
If You Want Angels to Visit Your Home ...
I'll Put a Knife Right In You: Notes on the Case of Sid and Nancy
I'm in a Rut (But I Don't Wanna Get Out Of It)
I'm Pretty Vacant - But I'm Not Sure I Belong to the Blank Generation
I'm Still Searching for the Ants Invasion: Notes on Phase IV
Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Strategy (Notes on Blackfishing with Reference to the Case of Rita Ora)
Immaculate Perception: On Aesthetic Detachment and Emasculated Leering
In a Time Never-Never (Notes on McLaren & Westwood's Worlds End)
In an Age of Courtship Disorder
In Anticipation of and Reflections on a Post-Punk Salon (with Dorothy Max Prior and Richard Cabut)
In Defence of Cultural Appropriation
In Defence of Fun
In Defence of Giant Lovers
In Defense of Gwyneth Paltrow
In Defence of Isis Veiled: What a Practice of Occultism Might Mean in an Age of Transparency
In Defence of Jeff Koons's Easyfun-Ethereal
In Defence of Owen Rhys and the American Way of Life (The D. H. Lawrence Birthday Post 2021)
In Defence of the Cleft of Venus
In Defence of the Great White Male
In Defence of the Slug
In Defence of Trivia
In Defense of Vanilla
In Defence of Weeds and Wildflowers
In Defence of Women in Love and the Teenage Mentality (A Response to Frances Wilson)
In Happy Memory of Coal
In Memory of a Man from U.N.C.L.E.
In Memory of Anne Dufourmantelle: Risk Taker Extraordinaire and Defender of Secrets
In Memory of Cat
In Memory of Cora Pearl (La Grande Horizontale)
In Memory of Dollie Radford
In Memory of Egon and Wally
In Memory of Frances Farmer
In Memory of Gentleman Jack Sheppard
In Memory of Geordie Walker and Keith Levene
In Memory of Georgia Brown (1933-1992)
In Memory of Glenda Jackson
In Memory of Honor Blackman
In Memory of Hypatia
In Memory of Imogen Hassall (the Countess of Cleavage)
In Memory of Izumi Suzuki
In Memory of James Garner
In Memory of Jamie Reid
In Memory of Jock Scot
In Memory of Joris-Karl Huysmans (and His Bejewelled Tortoise)
In Memory of Leslie Phillips
In Memory of Leonard Rossiter (1926-1984)
In Memory of Liz Fraser
In Memory of Lorrie Millington (Artist, Model, Dancer, Writer)
In Memory of Malcolm McLaren
In Memory of Martin White: the Man Who Loved Butterflies
In Memory of Mascha Kaléko
In Memory of My Father
In Memory of Roger Moore and Adam West
In Memory of Sarah Bernhardt (1844 - 1923)
In Memory of St Sebastian
In Memory of Stan Lee and on the Joy of Collecting Comics
In Memory of Tara Fares (Notes on Fanaticism)
In Memory of the One and Only Adolf Brand
In Memory of The Woman Who Rode Away
In Memory of Those Who Gave Their Fictional Lives (Towards an A-Z of the Lawrentian Dead)
In Memory of Two Dead Artists: Malcolm McLaren and Pablo Picasso
In Memory of Una Stubbs
In Memory of Valerie Solanas
In My Secret Garden
In Praise of a Well-Turned Ankle
In Praise of Amateurs
In Praise of an Unnatural Death (and in the Hope of Dying on the Scaffold)
In Praise of Bedsits
In Praise of Denial
In Praise of Euthanasia as a Practice of Joy before Death
In Praise of Fighters: At the Gym and on the Battlefield with D. H. Lawrence
In Praise of Inna Schevchenko: La Nouvelle Marianne
In Praise of Interspecies Friendships
In Praise of Invisible Artworks
In Praise of Modern Science
In Praise of Moths
In Praise of Nivea: The Snow-White Miracle Cream
In Praise of Notes and Parenthetical Elements (A Reply to a Critic)
In Praise of Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction
In Praise of Sapphic Decadence
In Praise of Shadows and the Beauty of Japanese Ghost Girls (A Post for Halloween 2016)
In Praise of Shyness
In Praise of Sleep
In Praise of Small Talk and Social Networking
In Praise of Stalking (The Case of Sophie Calle)
In Praise of the Ballet Boot (and Other Kinky Forms of Footwear)
In Praise of the Ballet Flat
In Praise of the Bob
In Praise of the Fatwa Boys 1: Remembering the Rushdie Affair
In Praise of the Fatwa Boys 2: Larry David's Finest Hour
In Praise of the Goat
In Praise of the Naked Mole Rat
In Praise of the Octopus
In Praise of The Persuaders!
In Praise of the Pig
In Praise of the Plastic Mac
In Praise of the Postcard and Correspondence Art (with Reference to the Work of Jack Logan and Kosmo Vinyl)
In Praise of the Poulaine (and Other Forms of Pointed Shoe)
In Praise of the Praying Mantis and Isabella Rossellini's Green Porno
In Praise of the Stiletto Heel
In Praise of the Supermodel
In Praise of the Swan Princess
In Praise of the Swift and Hannah Bourne-Taylor
In Praise of Vintage Fashionistas (With Reference to the Case of Anastasiia Grigoruk)
In Sickness and in Greater Health (Or Something I Need to Get Off My Chest)
In Solidarity with the Bloggers of Bangladesh
In Support of Punk Violinists
In Support of Rachel Riley (With a Brief Note on Israel and Anti-Zionism)
In the Age of Denialism
In the Bullring With Simon & Simone
In the House of the Sleeping Beauties
In the News ... Flu Infected Macaques and Land-Loving Sharks
In the Presence of Michel Houellebecq in the Presence of Schopenhauer
In the Shower with Leslie Phillips
In the Village of the Dolls
In the World of Addison Lee
In Times of Sorrow and Fear is When Poets Appear
Indecent Exposure: Further Thoughts on Male Sexual Display
Informal Economics: The Triumph of System D
Infrathin Erotica (Fragment from an Illicit Lover's Discourse)
Inhuman Rights
Insecticide and the Eco-Apocalypse
Insouciance Über Insecticide (Another Moth Post)
Intelligent Atheists Contra Instinctive Religious Breeders
Intertextuality: Bert & Amy & Ted & Hannah
Intimacy Issues
Into the Valley of the Giants with Gilbert Noon
Invasion of the Giant House Spiders
Invocation of Death
Irezumi: Notes on D. H. Lawrence's Fascination with Japanese Male Bodies
Is Anything Really Worth Fighting For?
Is it Time to Torpedo Torpedo the Ark?
Is it True That When You Leave the Haunted Forest You Discover the Blue of the Greater Day?
Is Revisting the Past Ever Worth the Effort? (A Guest Post by Afiya S. Zia)
Is Strong the New Pretty ... or the Old Ugly?
Is the Elephant Slow to Mate?
Is There Life on Mars?
ISIS Threaten Sylvania
Islamism: What Would Nietzsche Do?
Isn't it Grand! Isn't it Fine! Graham Harman's New Theory of Everything
It All Comes Down to Artifice in the End (Notes Towards a Decadent Floraphilia)
It is But Death Who Comes at Last
It is your age - A Poem by Isabel del Rio
It's Creepy and It's Kooky, Mysterious and Spooky: Mark Fisher's The Weird and the Eerie (Part 1)
It's Creepy and It's Kooky, Mysterious and Spooky: Notes on Mark Fisher's The Weird and the Eerie (Part 2)
It's a Gay Life - But is it also a Good Life?
It's Failure to Live That Makes Us Sick (D. H. Lawrence in the Age of Coronavirus)
It's My Name Day (And I'll Decry If I Want To)
It's Only a Little Prick (Reflections on a Flu Jab)
It's Not the Cough That Carries You Off ...
It's Your Verses That We Want and Your Verses We Shall Have! Notes on Plagiarism, Piracy, and Found Poetry
It's the Lad Himself (In Memory of Mssrs. Hancock and Hill)
It Was Beauty Killed the Beast
It Was on the Good Ship Venus ...
Jagger is a Punk
Jagger is a Punk (2) Jane Ciracylides: the Girl with Insect Eyes (Notes on 'Prima Belladonna' by J. G. Ballard)
Jean Baudrillard: the Marmite Philosopher
Je fixais des vertiges
Je ne suis pas Charlie
Jeff Koons: Apollo (The Golden Boy of American Art Meets the Golden God of the Greeks)
Jews of the Wrong Sort: Notes on D. H. Lawrence and Anti-Semitism
Johnny Rotten as an Abject Antihero (1)
Johnny Rotten as an Abject Antihero (2)
Johnny Vs Jimmy (Notes on a Punk Spat)
Judenstern (With Reference to the Case of Serge Gainsbourg)
Jüdische Insekten or Himmler's Lice
Jump! On Defying the Spirit of Gravity (With Reference to the Work of Philippe Halsman)
Jumping Grace (A Short Verse in the Manner of Michel Houellebecq)
Jumping the Shark (With Reference to the Case of Maldoror)
Just Because the Sky Has Turned a Pretty Shade of Orange and Red Doesn't Mean You Can Simply Point a Camera and Shoot ... Or Does It?
Just Do It: Notes on Incitement with Reference to the Case of Danvers Vs de Winters
Just Say No
Just Saying Something on Subjects and Objects
Ken Dodd: How Tickled I'm Not
Kidney Stones of the Soul
Kill Me Now: Notes on the Introduction and First Chapter of Metamorphoses by Emanuele Coccia
Kiss Me Deadly: Thoughts Inspired by J. G. Ballard's 'Track 12'
Kiss This: Additional Thoughts on Lips and Lipstick
Kissing Hitler 1: Some Like It Hot
Kissing Hitler 2: Notes on the Führer's Love Life
Kitchen Sink Kink
Klittra: On Sexual Politics in Sweden
Known / Unknown
La beauté est une promesse de bonheur: On the Joy of Discovering Stendhal
La Chronique Scandaleuse 1: The Case of Claude Le Petit
La Chronique Scandaleuse 2: The Case of Denise Poncher and Her Vision of Death
Lachrymae rerum: Refections on a Painting by Joan Snyder (and in Memory of Marianne Faithfull)
La Jeune Fille et la mort
La tyrannie de la pénitence
Lady Chatterley: A Jewel in the Crown of England's Glory
Lady Chatterley and the Case of Meenakshi Kumari
Lady Chatterley's Body
Lady Chatterley's Daughter
Lady Chatterley's Lover and the Pornographic Imagination
Lady Chatterley's Lover Visits Harold Hill
Lady Chatterley's Lover: What Kind of Man Was Oliver Mellors?
Lady Chatterley's Orang-Outang
Lady Chatterley's Postmodern Lover
Lady Godiva Rides Again (In Memory of Pauline Stroud)
Language Death
Larking About with Philip Larkin
Larping for Palestine
Last Clown Standing
Last Night I Dreamt of Manderley ... Starring Sebastian Horsley as Maxim de Winter
Last Rat Standing (Darwin and Bond in the Age of Coronavirus)
Lawrence Contra Matisse
Lawrence, Derrida, and the Snake: It's Time for Man to Make Amends
Lawrentian Reflections on the Birth of Baby Mia
Le Visqueux: Notes on Existential Slime and Ontological Sexism
Learning to Love the Marine Lover of Friedrich Nietzsche
Les Demoiselles d'Avignon
Les filles sucettes
Les Fleurs du Mal: Iris and Violet
Les Zazous
Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom: On the Genealogy of Hippie Morals
Let the People See (Reflections on the Open Casket Controversy)
Let Them Eat Bananas
Let Them Eat Mussels
Let Them Eat Plastic
Let Them Sing Carols
Let's Call the Whole Thing Off ...?
Let's Go Outside: Notes on The Horla
Letter to a Harsh Critic
Lex Oppia: On Women, Cosmetics and Austerity in Ancient Rome
Life's a Drag
Life in Vein (With Reference to D. H. Lawrence's Undying Man)
Life is Ugly in Flip-Flops
Like a Face Drawn in Sand: Anti-Humanism in D. H. Lawrence and Michel Foucault
Like a Virgin: Madame B. and Lady C.
Like the Circles That You Find in the Windmills of Your Mind
Lily and the Brontës
Lipstick Traces: Lessons for Lucia
Lipstick Traces (with Reference to the Case of Cleopatra)
Little Hell Flames: On D. H. Lawrence's Poppy Philosophy
Little Weed Vs Havering Council
Living Dolls
Liz Truss and Boris Johnson: Say Hello, Wave Goodbye
Lobster Variations (I - IV)
Lobsterfuck: Notes on Marine Biology and Art Porn
London Squawking: The Rise of the Ring-Necked Parakeet
London Yawning: Lawrence and the Problem of Big City Boredom
Look Don't Touch (Notes on Art and Haptic Compulsion)
Look! Up in the Sky! It's a Bird! It's an Angel! It's Barbette!
Loony Tunes
Lord Moulton: Law and [the Reformation of] Manners
Lord, Open Thou My Lips ...
Lose This Skin: Thoughts on Theodore Roethke's Epidermal Macabre
Lost in Democracy [A Letter from Greece] - A Guest Post by Maria Thanassa
Love (A Post for Valentine's Day)
Love and Hate in a Very Cold Climate
Love Blinds: The Shocking Case of Jeanne Brécourt
Love Devalued (A Post for Valentine's)
Love, Hate and Intercourse
Love in the Sixth Form (In Memory of Dagmar Starkey)
Love Unlocked
Lovely Lesbians
Loving the Alien (Notes on Exophilia)
Loving the Alien: Reflections on Otherness, Difference and the Joy of Kinship
Loving the Alien Venus: Reflections on the Work of Jean-Marie Appriou and the Strange Affects of Art
Loving the Octopus
Luce Irigaray and Constance Chatterley: Woodland Refugees
Luis Quiles and the Transparency of Evil
Madness and Animality: Notes on Therianthropy
Magic's Back: Evoking the Ghosts of Malcolm McLaren's Oxford Street
Make Way For Pengallan!
Making Love to Music
Mama Weer All Carers Now (Something to Reflect Upon Whilst in Self-Isolation)
Manhole 69
Maria Tănase: The Nightingale of Bucharest
Mario Perniola: Il sex appeal dell'inorganico
Margaret Nolan: Artist, Actress, Object
Margiela Artisanal Collection 2024: Pubic Hair and Porcelain Faces
Mark Gertler: Merry-Go-Round(el)
Marlene Dumas: Mourning Marsyas (2024)
Marxism Today
Marxist Musings on Being a Fish Out of Water
Maschalagnia: Brief Notes on Armpit Fetishism
May Day
Mazophilia (With Reference to the Case of Russ Meyer)
May Day with D. H. Lawrence (1911 - 1917)
May Day with D. H. Lawrence (1921 - 1929)
Me and Zena x Saatchi Gallery Paint Can Ring
Meganekko (On the Love of Girls with Glasses)
Meine Rosen
Melody Blue
Melt: On the Transubstantiation of Love
Memories of Killing Joke (1984 - 1987)
Memories of Manderley 1: On Natural Chaos and Maxim de Winter's Floraphilia
Memories of Manderley 2: On Pyrexia and Obsessive Love Disorder
Memories of Summer '84: Charisma
Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence
Michel Foucault's Simplest of Pleasures
Michel Houellebecq and Nellie Mackay on the Question of Cloning
Michel Houellebecq: Serotonin
Michel Tournier on Education 1: Initiation contra Instruction
Michel Tournier on Education 2: Erotic Religiosity
Might as Well Jump (Jump!)
Mila is a Punk Rocker
Miles Aldridge: Supposing Truth to be a Supermodel
Miley Cyrus Meets Roland Barthes
Mind the Gap (Notes on Heidegger and the Japanese Concept of Ma)
Mindfuck: Lawrence, Foucault, and Sapiosexuality
Miss Alba Banana: What's Not to Love?
Moments of Wonder
Monkey Business (On Human-Chimp Sexuality)
Mono No Aware (Japanese Aesthetics Contra Teutonic Angst)
More Philosophy on the Catwalk (With Reference to the Case of Andrea Sachs and her Cerulean Blue Sweater)
More than Just a Son and Lover
Morgenröthe: Nietzsche's Red Dawn
Mourning Post: with Reference to Roland Barthes's Journal de Deuil
Mozart's Starling
Mr. Erbil: Revolt into Style
Mules 1: Sex Kitten Shoes
Mules 2: Beasts of Burden
Murder! Murder! Murder! Someone Should Be Angry
Muses with Dirty Faces: In Praise of the Groupie
Musical Memories
My Brush with Scientology
My Debt to Jewish-American Humour
My Name is Victor Frankenstein
My Night at the 100 Club (Ever Get the Feeling You've Been Cheated?)
My Night in Raval with Ken and Barbie (A Guest Post by Katxu)
My Pagan Self Revealed (Reflections on a Mexican Devil Mask)
My Sister and I
My Three Favourite Witches 1: Jennifer (Veronica Lake)
My Three Favourite Witches 2: Gillian (Kim Novak)
My Three Favourite Witches 3: Samantha (Elizabeth Montgomery)
Name That Tune
Naomi (Notes on a Japanese Novel)
Necro-Ornithology (Study of a Dead Baby Bird)
Nephophilia (A Reply to Simon Solomon)
Never Give a Doppelgänger the Keys to Your Car ...
Never Mind the Bildungstreib Here's the Science
Never Mind the Bollocks (On Nietzsche, D. H. Lawrence and the Sex Pistols)
Never Mind the Nara Deer, Here's the Harold Hill Herd
Never Mind the Selenites, Here's the Moon Pigs
Never Mind the Spiky Tops
Never Trust a Dwarf Dressed in Red
New Year's Eve 2020: Fireworks, Propaganda, and an Avian Mortality Event
News in the Age of Coronavirus
Nice to See You, to See You - Dead!
Nick Land and the Dark Enlightenment
Nietzsche: All the Names in History
Nietzsche and Capitalism
Nietzsche and the Question of Corruption
Nietzsche and the Question of Race
Nietzsche Broke Me
Nietzsche Contra Olaf Stapledon on the Death of Man
Nietzsche in Wonderland (On the Importance of Making Oneself Small)
Nietzsche Popped My Cherry: Reflections on Heidegger's Hymen
Nietzschean Notes on the Question of Power
Nietzschean Reflections on the Birth of Baby Mia
Nietzsche's Animal Philosophy
No Feelings
No Hugging, No Learning (Torpedo the Ark 10th Anniversary Post)
No Justice, No Peace
No Man is a Hypocrite in His Pleasures: The Crazy Love Life of Albert Camus
No Matter What the Future Brings ...
No One is Innocent
(No) Sympathy for the Rich
No-Pan Kissa
Nobody's Perfect: The Case of Sam Harris
Noise Annoys: Notes on Hyperacusis and Associated Conditions
Non est Consummatum
Non Placet
Non-Racist Photo Sparks Mistaken Outrage
Nostalgie für das Ding
Not All Sex Kittens are Catty ...
Notes from a Chimps' Tea Party
Notes from a Drama Workshop ...
Notes from the Human Zoo 1: The Myth of the Great Family of Man
Notes from the Human Zoo 2: The Case of Sara Baartman (the Hottentot Venus)
Notes from the Human Zoo 3: The Case of Ota Benga
Notes on A Glam-Punk Childhood
Notes on An American Werewolf in London
Notes on an Edwardian Woman's Underwear (With Reference to the Case of Mrs Johanna Keighley)
Notes on an Essay by Stéphane Sitayeb: 'Sexualized Objects in D. H. Lawrence’s Short Fiction: Eros and Thanatos'
Notes on Hauntology and Ghost Modernism
Notes on Byung-Chul Han's 'Non-things' (Part 1)
Notes on Byung-Chul Han's 'Non-things' (Part 2)
Notes on Castration Anxiety with Reference to the Case of Oliver Mellors
Notes on Charlie Chaplin's Closing Speech to 'The Great Dictator'
Notes on Crosby and Crane: Pin-Up Boys of the Lost Generation
Notes on DIY
Notes on Fair Use with Reference to the Case of Shepard Fairey and the Obama Hope Poster
Notes on Herb Brown's Party
Notes on Identity Politics and Intersectionality
Notes on Malcolm McLaren's Paris
Notes on Mr. Peanut and Bertie Bassett
Notes on My Cousin Rachel (1951)
Notes on Nietzsche's Philosophical Naturalism
Notes on 'Night of the Big Heat' (1967)
Notes on Nyotaimori and Associated Paraphilias
Notes on Object Imperative and Pantheistic Sensuality
Notes on Patricia MacCormack's Ahuman Manifesto Pt. 1: Preface / Introduction
Notes on Patricia MacCormack's Ahuman Manifesto Pt. 2: Chapters 1-2
Notes on Patricia MacCormack's Ahuman Manifesto Pt. 3: Chapters 4-6
Notes on Plant-Thinking: A Philosophy of Vegetal Life by Michael Marder (Part 1: Encountering Plants and Ethical Offshoots)
Notes on Plant-Thinking: A Philosophy of Vegetal Life by Michael Marder (Part 2: Vegetal Anti-Metaphysics)
Notes on Plant-Thinking: A Philosophy of Vegetal Life by Michael Marder (Part 3: Vegetal Existentiality)
Notes on Shakespeare's Dark Lady
Notes on SIG News Issue 3: From Bomber Jackets to the Joy of Punxploitation
Notes on Sleep Paralysis
Notes on Socrates and the Ethics of Sobriety (A 6/20 Paper by Maria Thanassa)
Notes on the Be Real Campaign
Notes on 'The Birds' by Daphne du Maurier
Notes on the Brodie Set
Notes on the Case of Andrew Dobson and the Chinese Sex Doll
Notes on the Case of Bettie Page
Notes on the Case of Peter Hitchens Versus Lady C.
Notes on the Case of Caterina Sforza
Notes on the Conflict Thesis
Notes on 'The Crisis of Narration' by Byung-Chul Han (Part 1)
Notes on 'The Crisis of Narration' by Byung-Chul Han (Part 2)
Notes on 'The Crisis of Narration' by Byung-Chul Han (Part 3)
Notes on the False Black Widow (In Praise of Spiders)
Notes on The Fetishist (and Other Stories) by Michel Tournier
Notes on 'The Ladybird' (Pt. 1)
Notes on 'The Ladybird' (Pt. 2)
Notes on The Life of Plants by Emanuele Coccia
Notes on the Lolita Case
Notes on the Material Remains of My Father
Notes on the Sex Appeal of Belly Dancing (With Reference to the Case of Johara)
Notes on the Sexy, Secret, Stereotyped World of the Secretary
Notes on the Youthful Writings of Gilles Deleuze 1: Description of Women
Notes on the Youthful Writings of Gilles Deleuze 2: From Christ to the Bourgeoisie
Notes on Vaginal Vespatherapy
Notes on Vegetal Philosophy and Literature
Notes on Young Kim's 'A Year on Earth With Mr. Hell' (Part 1)
Notes on Young Kim's 'A Year On Earth With Mr. Hell' (Part 2)
Nothing Changes on New Year's Day
Nothing Important Happened Today (On Revolutionary Events)
Nothing Tastes as Good as Skinny Feels
O For a Slice of Possum and Yam!
O Superman
O Wonderful Machine: Nihilism and the Question Concerning Technology (Part I)
O Wonderful Machine: Nihilism and the Question Concerning Technology (Part II)
Object-Oriented Ontology and the Joy of Washing Up (With Reference to the Work of D. H. Lawrence)
Objects Make Happy
Of Bakers and Ballerinas (We Are All Prostitutes)
Of Birds and Blondes (and One Fat Film Director)
Of Clowns and Catwomen
Of Contrails and Chemtrails (with Reference to the Case of Kylie Jenner)
Of Garden Snails and Motor Cars
Of Glad Ghosts and Spooky Love Affairs: Halloween With D. H. Lawrence (2023)
Of Man and Dog - A Guest Post by Catherine Brown
Of Mites and Men (Notes on the World of Dust)
Of Parasitic Heads and Archaic Torsos: In Memory of Islaam Maged (A Guest Post by Simon Solomon)
Of Priests and Pornographers in the Age of Coronavirus
Of Spiders and Flies (Notes on the Lawrence-Eliot Relationship)
Of Virgins and Raisins
Oh, Baby Mia! What Have They Done to You?
Oh Bondage Up Yours! (A Slice of Punk Nostalgia)
Oh, the Humanity!
Olfactophilia: Reflections on Canine Arse-Sniffing
OMG! I Finally Agree With Julie Burchill
On American XL Bully Dogs and Ancient Greek Hounds
On Apples and Apricots, Poets and Philosophers
On Archaic Human Interbreeding
On Art and Hippology (With Reference to the Work of D. H. Lawrence)
On Art and Syphilis
On Atrocious Aspects of African History
On Autumn
On Babes With Braces etc.
On Background Radiation (in a Cultural-Philosophical Sense)
On Beauty Spots (Contra Tattoos)
On Becoming a Vaccine Hero
On Being a Bit of a Jew
On Being a Bit of a Jew (Part Two)
On Being an Odonto-Medical Wonder
On Being Followed by a Seagull
On Being Licked into Shape by Bears, Cats, and Virtuous Women
On Benevolent Sexism
On Big Breasts and Adult Babies
On Biodiversity in the Anthropocene
On Black Dandyism (With Reference to the Case of Jean-Michel Basquiat)
On Black Mould and the Tragic Case of Dana Anhalt
On Blaming the Victim
On Blasphemy (amb referència al cas de Dolors Miquel)
On Bolshevism and Immortality: the Case of Arseny Tarkovsky
On Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome (With Reference to the Case of Norman Douglas and Eric Wolton)
On Chthonic Vitalism 1: In the Etruscan Tombs With D. H. Lawrence
On Chthonic Vitalism 2: In the Etruscan Tombs with Giorgio Agamben
On Comic Relief and the Figure of the Great White Saviour (with Reference to the Case of Stacey Dooley Vs David Lammy)
On Compassion Fatigue
On Constipation and Calomel in D. H. Lawrence's Aaron's Rod (1922)
On Convalescence
On Courage and Cowardice (with Reference to the Case of Sir Craig Mackey)
On Courage, Conviction and the Necessity of Change
On Creeps and Creepiness, etc.
On Criminals and Capital Punishment
On Crystal Skulls and Vitrified Brains
On Cumshots and the Triumph of the Will to Orgasm
On Curbing One's Enthusiasm for Kafka's Drawings
On D. H. Lawrence and Circus Elephants
On D. H. Lawrence and Oscar Wilde
On D. H. Lawrence's Fascination with Male Legs
On D. H. Lawrence's Objection to Pirated Books and Counterfeit Emotions
On D. H. Lawrence's Sandals
On Dalí's Queer Fascination with Hitler
On Dance as a Method of Becoming-Bird
On Dead Sparrows and the Great Leap Forward
On Defeminisation and Remasculinisation
On Dirty Dancing and the Virtue of Female Narcissism 1: The Case of Lady Chatterley
On Dis/Obedience
On Dirty Dancing and the Virtue of Female Narcissism 2: The Case of Anna Brangwen
On Disappointment
On Doing (and Not Doing) the White Thing
On Dorian Gray and Models of Illicit Masculinity
On Dropping the Dead Lion: A Tale of Rebranding and the Secularisation of Contemporary Culture
On Ecosexuality
On Embryology, Ensoulment and Stem Cell Research
On Entering and Exiting the Fourth Dimension with Gedvile Bunikyte
On Eric Gill's Illustrations for Lady Chatterley's Lover
On Erotico-Religious Lactation (Or Get Your Tits Out for the Saints)
On Essex Girls and Eyelashes
On Etymology and Amphibology
On Faciality and Becoming-Imperceptible with Reference to the Work of Heide Hatry
On Fast Food and Film Theory
On Finding Ourselves in a State of Exception (Part 1)
On Finding Ourselves in a State of Exception (Part 2)
On Following the Science
On Football and the (Lost) Art of Time-Wasting
On Fossils and Fundamentalists
On Gender-Based Violence (With Reference to the Case of Lawrence, Bibbles and Frieda)
On Genetic Sexual Attraction (With Reference to the Case of Jinnie Blair)
On Georg Simmel's Sociology of Secrecy and Secret Societies
On Goya's Red Boy
On Haematolagnia, Feelings and Freethinkers
On Heresy and Philosophical Idiotism
On Herman Melville's Moby-Dick & Larry David's Mopey Dick
On Holism and Anti-Holism
On Homeopathy
On How Not to Be a Feminist - A Guest Post by Maria Thanassa
On Human Nakedness as Seen by Animals
On Human Plasticity, DNA Data Storage and the Singularity
On Hyperobjects and the Anthropocene
On Initiating Youth into the Democracy of Touch
On Intuition
On Irony
On Keeping Calm and Carrying On in the Age of Coronavirus
On Learning to Laugh at Everything with Larry David, Georges Bataille and D. H. Lawrence
On Lenny Henry's Knighthood
On Lewis Carroll and His Love for Alice Liddell and Other Little Girls
On Lightness of Being (In Memory of Milan Kundera)
On Living a Solitary Life: the Case of Elsie Eiler
On Lost Girls and Swarthy Italians
On Loverboy and the Politics of Queerness
On Loving Enemies and Hating Friends
On Luce Irigaray's Vegetal Idealism
On Luck
On Lunacy
On Magical Names and the Nietzsche-Crowley Connection (A Post for Halloween)
On Mannequins With Merkins
On Masturbation and the Invocation of Pan
On Marcus Aurelius: Meditations
On Marriage, Adultery and Slut Shaming (With Reference to the Case of Lady Chatterley)
On Masculinity, Matriarchy, and the Mark Steyn Show
On Masturbation as a Form of Sex-Magick
On Masturbation as Sex in the Head
On Militant Respectability
On Mini-Skirts and Morality in Africa
On Miracles and Absolute Contingency in the Work of Daphne du Maurier and Quentin Meillassoux
On Modest Fashion (Or OMG! I Agree with Julie Burchill - Again!)
On Moral Turpitude (with Reference to the Case of Sebastian Horsley)
On My Brief Life as a Painter
On My Convoluted Relationship With Walter Benjamin
On Myth
On Myth and Literary Criticism
On Natural Evil
On Negative Capability
On Nietzsche and the Precariat
On Nietzsche's Epicureanism
On Nietzsche's Hypomania
On Non-Referential Aesthetics and the Politics of Silence
On Not Frightening the Horses
On Punks, Hippies, and the Boy in the Blue Lamé Suit
On Not Taking Any Shit From Magicians
On Oblivion
On Olaf Stapledon's Moral Rationalism
On Opening Heaven and Hell: A Boxing Day Post Dedicated to a Secular Saint, by Símón Solomon
On Operational Whitewash
On Orgasm and the Will to Merger (Another Thanatological Fragment)
On Owing a Cock to Asclepius (The Death of Socrates)
On Painting 1946 and the Magic of Art: The Malcolm McLaren Birthday Post (2024)
On Painting Ceilings
On Pareidolia and Prosopagnosia
On Philosophy and Prostitution (Reflections on An Illicit Lover's Discourse)
On Phlegm, Philosophy, and Apathy
On Piss Play and the Revaluation of Values
On Poetry and Plagiarism (with Reference to the Case of Ailey O'Toole)
On Poetry, Chaos and the Great Umbrella
On Poetry, Fashion and Punk
On Politeness of the Heart (A Nietzschean Guide to Good Manners)
On Posthumous Revenge and the Resilient Cretaceous
On Private Language and Post-Truth (Or How D. H. Lawrence Opens the Way for Donald Trump)
On Protecting the NHS
On Punk, Pink, and Dollification
On Punks, Hippies, and the Boy in the Blue Lamé Suit
On Pythons in the Everglades
On Queerness, Cynicism, and the Question of True Love
On Reading between the Lines
On Recuperation and Karaoke Culture: Welcome to Glastonbury 2023
On Revolutionary Fun (A Message for May Day)
On Sadism and the Case of Ian Brady
On Saints and Satyrs: Why It's Preferable to Have Horns than a Halo
On Self-Esteem and Self-Harm; Selfies and Self-Destruction
On Self-Isolation (Entry from the Dementia Diary)
On Sexual Apathy and the Case of Richard Hannay in The 39 Steps
On Smoothness
On Socrates and the Electric Ray (Or How Philosophy Begins in Stunned Silence)
On Solastalgia in Man and Animal
On Stamina (as Ontological Destiny)
On Staying Safe and Living Dangerously in the Age of Coronavirus
On Subcultural Barbarism
On Suffragettes and the British Union of Fascists
On Superbugs, Quantum Dots and the Post-Antibiotic Apocalypse
On Suzy Kendall, Tuesday Weld, and the Curious Sex Appeal of Dudley Moore
On Synthetic Biology (With Reference to the Case of the Spider-Goat)
On Taking Flight
On Textual Cruising (with Reference to the Case of Camus)
On the Aesthetico-Perverse Appropriation of Objects (With Reference to the Work of Christoph Niemann)
On the Agony of Power I: From Domination to Hegemony
On the Agony of Power II: The White Terror of World Order
On the Anguished Lyricism of E. M. Cioran
On the Architecture of the Future
On the Art and Necessity of Coffin Sleeping
On the Art of Character Assassination cum Eternal Salute: Reflections on D. H. Lawrence's 'Memoir of Maurice Magnus'
On the Art of Crucifixion
On the Art of Death and Disappearance in the Case of David Bowie
On the Art of Destruction and the Creative Potential Within Chaos
On the Art of Fondling (Towards a Democracy of Touch)
On the Art of Necro-Ornithology
On the Art of Sensation
On the Art of Speaking Without Speaking
On the Art of the Kiss 1: Auguste Rodin
On the Art of the Kiss 2: Gustav Klimt
On the Art of the Kiss 3: Man Ray
On the Art of the Long Neck 1: Parmigianino's Mannerist Madonna
On the Art of the Long Neck 2: Modigliani's Neckrophilia
On the Art of the Persimmon
On the Backs of Tigers
On the Ball with D. H. Lawrence
On the Beauty and the Genius of i-Phone 6
On the Black Virgin and the Question of Racial Fetishism
On the Cancerous Downside of Cunnilingus (with Reference to the Case of Michael Douglas)
On the Case of Russell Brand and Mark Fisher
On the Charging Bull-Fearless Girl-Pissing Pug Controversy 1: The Charging Bull
On the Charging Bull-Fearless Girl-Pissing Pug Controversy 2: The Fearless Girl
On the Charging Bull-Fearless Girl-Pissing Pug Controversy 3: The Pissing Pug
On the Crowning and Beheading of the Virgin Mary
On the Crucifixion of Sebastian Horsley
On the Daughters of God
On the Death and Attempted Resurrection of the Author
On the Death of a Wellness Warrior (The Case of Jessica Ainscough)
On the Desecration of Altars and the Return of Strange Idols
On the Designers Who Dressed Ziggy Stardust
On the Development of Cyborg Technology
On the Difficulty of Death for Old Ladies
On the Dog's Bollocks and the Loss of a Penile Bone in Human Males
On the Ecstasy of Forms: A Note on Punk Fashion and the Sex Pistols as Pure Event
On the Erotics and Etiquette of Wearing Gloves
On the Ethics of Ambiguity
On the Etymology of the Word Hamas
On the Evil Genius of the Image: Notes on the Mugshots of Donald Trump and Hermann Göring
On the Fall and Rise of British Woodland in the Last Hundred Years
On the Feline Negation of Otherness
On the Female Nipple
On the Feral Poetry of Fran Lock
On the Figure of the Prostitute
On the Flintiness of Language in D. H. Lawrence's The Daughter-in-Law
On the Freedom to Hate: A Review of Camille Paglia's "Free Women, Free Men"
On The Good, The Bad and the Ugly and Its Critics
On the Haunting Beauty of Sue Lloyd
On the History and Politics of the Bikini
On The Horror of Living in the Moment
On the Human Atmosphere
On the Idea of Manning Up
On the Inspiration of Touch
On the Inspiration of Touch: An Afterword on the Question of Delicacy in a Molecular Age
On the Intelligence of Fish
On the Intelligence of Reptiles
On the Japanese Love of Cuteness
On the Joy of Flirting and the Experience of Beauty
On the Joy of Metaphysical Conceit (With Reference to John Donne's 'The Flea')
On the Joy of Text
On the Keys to Happiness (and the Women Who Hold Them)
On the Language of Mushrooms
On the Laughter of Discarded Objects
On the Life, Death, and Shameful Blacklisting of Lynne Frederick
On the Life, Death, and Shameful Maligning of Jill Bennett by John Osborne
On the Limits of Staying Afloat
On the (Lost) Art of Swearing
On the Love of Boys
On the Love of Maids
On the Malign/ed Art of Faking It (Part I) - A Guest Post by Thomas Tritchler
On the Malign/ed Art of Faking It (Part II) - A Guest Post by Thomas Tritchler
On the Malign/ed Art of Faking It (Part III) - A Guest Post by Thomas Tritchler
On The Man Who Loved Islands
On the Manufacture of Good Little Boys (The D. H. Lawrence Birthday Post 2023)
On the Metaphysics of the Soul Contra the Aesthetics of Existence
On the Militant Virginity of Joan of Arc
On the Myth of Atlas
On the Myth of Maternal Impression (with Reference to the Case of Joseph Merrick)
On the Mythology of Wood (with Reference to the Case of Larry David)
On the Nature of the Ridiculous (and the Ridiculous Nature of the Sex Pistols)
On the Necessity of Killing Carpet Moths
On the Need for a New Enlightenment
On the New Barbarians
On the Nine Lives of Cats and Two Methods for Ending Them
On the Nose
On the Origins of a Solar-Phallic Landscape
On the Pale Criminal
On the Peacock and the Gamekeeper
On the Philosophical Importance of Making Lists
On the Philosophical Importance of Zombies
On the Picture of Dorian Gray
On the Pleasure of Queer Nostalgia
On the Pleasure of the Text and the Politics of Reading
On the Poetry and Politics of Modern Advertising
On the Poetry and Politics of the Mushroom
On the Philosophical Comeback
On the Political Importance of Making Lists
On the Politics of Beach Body Readiness
On the Politics of Disgust
On the Politics of Knitting
On the Politics of Lipstick
On the Politics of Movember
On the Politics of Resistance and Refusal
On the Politics of the Female Nipple
On the Portrait of Ms Ruby May, Standing
On the Practical Idealism and Pan-Europeanism of Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi
On the Queer Love Affair at the Heart of Quetzalcoatl
On the Question Concerning Technology
On the Question of Care
On the Question of Distance and Proximity
On the Question of Ensoulment
On the Question of Ooze and Intelligence
On the Question of Quality Versus Quantity
On the Question of Racial Aesthetics with Reference to D. H. Lawrence's Women in Love
On the Question of Rewilding the UK (with Reference to the Case of Lilleth the Lynx)
On the Question of Scottish Independence
On the Quickness and Allure of Objects
On the Right to Bare Arms (A Post in Support of Pussy Riot)
On the Rise and Fall of Because
On the Rise of the Useful Idiot
On the Risen Christ
On the Romantic Conception of Childhood
On the Scintillation of Being
On the Sex Life of Robinson Crusoe 1: Getting Jiggy with a Soap Bark Tree
On the Sex Life of Robinson Crusoe 2: The Man Who Married the Earth (and Sired Mandrakes)
On the Sex Life of Robinson Crusoe 3: Becoming the Perverted Sun Angel
On the Sex Life of the Incredible Shrinking Man 1: Pictophilia
On the Sex Life of the Incredible Shrinking Man 2: Paedophilia
On the Sex Life of the Incredible Shrinking Man 3: Agalmatophilia
On the Strange Case of the Golden-Backed Frog With a Bonnet Mushroom Growing From Its Flank
On the Spectral Rape of the Virgin Mary
On the Spiritualisation of Politics
On the Splendour of Greco-Sicilian Superficiality
On the Struggle Between Art and Knowledge in Nietzsche's Early Philosophy
On the Stuttering of Language
On the Theatre of Royalty
On the Three Ways to Care
On the Traditional Beauty of Japanese Women (1): Green Lips, Black Teeth
On the Traditional Beauty of Japanese Women (2): White Skin
On the Transsexual Consummation of Foot-Fetishism
On the Triumph of Karaoke Culture and Punk Pantomime
On the Triumph of Donald Trump: Don't Say I Didn't Warn You ...
On the Triumphant Return of Small Breasts
On the Truth of Masks
On the Truth of Things
On the Ugly Truth and Beautiful Fiction of Butch Cassidy
On the Uncertain Duty of a Writer
On the Use of Dialect as an Erotico-Elementary Language in D. H. Lawrence
On the Use of Dialect as Defensive Communication in D. H. Lawrence
On the Verb to Elaborate (Or What I Have in Common With Jacques Derrida)
On the Voyeuristic Comic Potential of X-Ray Vision (With Reference to the Case of Superman and Lois Lane)
On the Whip and the Wand: A Response to Joanne Pearson
On the Whistling of Birds at Midnight
On the Will to Happiness
On the Woman in Hitler's Bathtub
On Therianthropes and Furverts
On Things That Go Bump in the Theatrical Night
On This Day I Complete My Fifty-Sixth Year
On Those Who Have Been Refused Entry Into the Land of the Free ...
On Torn Edges and the Need to Archive (God Save the Punk Scholars Network)
On Transitioning
On Travel/Writing (with a Deleuzian Punchline)
On Trolls and the Task of Philosophy
On Unity, Diversity and Unity in Diversity
On Useful Idiots
On Van Gogh's Ear and the Dangers of Sungazing
On Voluntary Human Extinction
On Warmheartedness (An Easter Message from the Anti-Christ)
On Why Lawrentian Werewolves Are Not Vegans 1: A Reply to David Brock
On Why Lawrentian Werewolves Are Not Vegans 2: A Reply to Catherine Brown
On Why the Language That Speaks Us as Children Matters
On Women and Fish in The 39 Steps
On Women in Love, Sea Devils and Sexual Dimorphism
On Writing
One for Sorrow ...
Only an Astronaut Can Save Us: Notes on the Overview Effect and Overview Institute
Onychophilia: Notes on Two Types of Nail Fetish
Ooh La La La: Katherine Waugh's Fugitive Philosophy
Ooh Matron!
Oostvaardersplassen: Animal Utopia or Animal Concentration Camp?
Openly Jewish (This is the Nine O'Clock News in London 2024)
Operation Werewolf
Orophobia (With Reference to the Case of Alexander Hepburn)
Orwell Versus Dalí
Ouch! Another Brief Note on Pain and The Palliative Society
Our God is Woman: Our Mission is Protest!
Ours is Essentially a Tragic Age ...
Ours Is Essentially a Tragic Age: Notes on the Opening of a Novel
Ours is the Day of Realization
Out of the Punk Ruins and Into the Age of Piracy
Outsider Art and Beyond
Ovinophobia: Reflections on D. H. Lawrence's Fear of Sheep
Pablo Picasso is Back in Fashion
Pagan Magazine (1983-92)
Pagan Magazine: Remembered and Reimagined
Pagan Magazine Vs the Pagan Federation
Paint It Black: Notes on a Song
Paint Your Wagon: Civilization and Its Discontents
Pamela and the Lost World of Soho
Pan and Jesus in the Art of Dorothy Brett
Pan Comes to Hampstead: Reflections on D. H. Lawrence's 'The Last Laugh'
Panem et Pyrotechnics
Pansies: Brief Notes on D. H. Lawrence's Excremental Aesthetic
Paradise is in the Palm of Your Hand: Notes on Wank Clubs
Passion Ends in Fashion
Passion Ends in Fashion: Notes on SEX
Paul Morel and Knife Crime
Paul Morel and the Sacrifice of Arabella
PC Plod Wants You to Think Nice Thoughts
Pédophilie (with Reference to the Cases of Michel Foucault and Gabriel Matzneff)
Peep Show Proves We're a Long Way from Wuthering Heights
Perfumed Pop Perfection
Personal Love Counts So Little: Further Reflections on the Queer Case of Lou Carrington
Perdurabo (Notes from a Hard Knock Life)
Perversion Makes Happy
Pessimism (In Affirmation of the Oncoming Train)
Peter Sloterdijk and the Question of Anthropotechnics
Petite Meller
Petrophilia: A Brief Note on the Geochemical Origin of Life and the Religious Worship of Rocks
Phallic Pictures 1: Boccaccio Story by D. H. Lawrence
Phallic Pictures 2: L'Origine de la Guerre by Orlan
Phallic Tenderness
Philematology: On Kissing and Cannibalism
Philosophical Reflections on Self-Partnering
Philosophical Reflections on the Case of Pinocchio
Philosophy For Everyone and No One (Not For All)
Philosophy on the Catwalk
Philosophy on the Catwalk: In Praise of an Exterminating Angel Dressed in Lambskin
Picture at the Top of the Stairs
Picture This: In Praise of the Photo Booth
Picture This (On the Evil Genius of the Image)
Pippi Greenstocking: Notes on the Case of Greta Thunberg
Piquerism and Notes on Knife Play
Piss Artists 1: Andy Warhol (Piss and Oxidation Paintings)
Piss Artists 2: Helen Chadwick (Piss Flowers)
Piss Artists 3: Andres Serrano (Piss Christ)
Planet of the Apes and the Negro of Banyoles
Plastic Ants (There Might Come a Day When They're Treading On You)
Please Sir!
Political Reflections on November 9th
Poor Little Jimmy (All He Wanted to Do Was Be a Sex Pistol)
Pop Art from North Africa (with Images of Marilyn Veiled and Unveiled)
Pornosurrealism: Autumn 1929
Portrait of the Führer as a Young Artist (Or How Hitler Helps Us Counter Aesthetic Idealism)
Post 333: Invocation of Choronzon
Post 555: Scent of a Woman
Post 666: Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
Post 777: Three Sevens Clash
Post 1500: Reflections on the Extinct British Wolf and the Triumph of the Sheep
Post 1750: The Rambler
Post 2000: From Journal to Mémoire
Postcard from LA
Postmodern Approaches to Literature 1: The Death of the Author
Postmodern Approaches to Literature 2: From Work to Text
Postmodern Approaches to Literature 3: The Pleasure of the Text (Part I)
Postmodern Approaches to Literature 3: The Pleasure of the Text (Part II)
Powertooling with Heide Hatry
Practically Perfect in Every Way: Notes on the Case of Mary Poppins
Pretty in Pink (Notes on the Engendering of Baby Mia)
Prisoners of Fashion
Probably I Should Want to Be Noah (Notes on an Unfinished Play by D. H. Lawrence)
Proposition 7
Proust Questionnaire
Psychoceramics (Clinical Notes on Cranks and Crackpots)
Psychrophilia: Or Love (and Death) in a Cold Climate
Punk Friends Reunited
Punk It Up (I'm a Sex Pistol Man Oh Yeah!)
Punk Moth (Or How the Cambridge Rapist Motif Haunts the Natural World)
Punk Xmas
Pussy (A Post for International Women's Day)
Pussy Juice (Isis Unveiled)
Pussy Whipped (Or Never Mind the Cossacks)
Put on a Little Makeup ...
Put on a Little Makeup and Make Sure They Get Your Good Side: A Brief Note on Positive Punk
Putting the Hap Back into Happiness: Notes on Sara Ahmed's Killjoy Feminism
Qué Barbaridad
Queens of the Wild Frontier
Quizás, Quizás, Quizás
Rabbit: On the Obscene Beyond and Other Abhorrent Mysteries
Radical Chic: On Puncturing the Fourth Wall of Excess and Spectacle with AOC
Raise the Scarlet Standard High
Rats Are Us
Ravishing a Universe for Love: In Praise of Mothra and the Shobijin
Rawdon Lilly: Notes Towards a Character Study
Real Men Wear Gingham
Reconsidering the New Philosophers
Re-Dreaming the Dark (Notes from a Witch's Manifesto)
Reflections after a Visit to London Zoo
Reflections after the Atrocity in Nice
Reflections Beneath an Old Tree at Halloween
Reflections from a Sickbed
Reflections on a Black Cat (In Memory of Pluto)
Reflections on a Black Hole in a Galaxy Far, Far Away
Reflections on a Crane Fly
Reflections on a Forgotten Umbrella
Reflections on a Green Carnation
Reflections on a Heron
Reflections on a Jellyfish Cloud
Reflections on a Pagan T-Shirt
Reflections on a Photo of a Horse's Head - A Guest Post by Louise Mason
Reflections on a Photo of Two Young Punks
Reflections on a Plastic Penis
Reflections on a Rose and a New Year's Resolution
Reflections on a Sleeping Cat
Reflections on a Snail at the Birdbath
Reflections on Alessandro Raho's New Portrait of Young Kim
Reflections on an Art Controversy (A Post Co-Written with Simon Solomon)
Reflections on an Earworm
Reflections on Andy Warhol's Ten Portraits of Jews of the Twentieth Century (1980)
Reflections on Another Jubilee (There's Still No Future in England's Dreaming)
Reflections on Brains in Jars
Reflections on Cat Cognition and Feline Intelligence
Reflections on Exile
Reflections on Frances Wilson's 'Burning Man'
Reflections on Gauguin's La Vague (1888)
Reflections on Hassan Hajjaj and His 'Kesh Angels
Reflections on Heide Hatry's Rusty Dog
Reflections on Jenny from the Block
Reflections on Lady Chatterley's Daughter (Part I: Chapters 1-11)
Reflections on Lady Chatterley's Daughter (Part II: Chapters 12-22)
Reflections on Madam Butterfly 1: The Opera
Reflections on Madam Butterfly 2: Puccini's Influence on Pop and Fashion
Reflections on Milo Moiré's PlopEgg Painting (With a Note on Heide Hatry's Expectations)
Reflections on My Shiny New Red Kettle
Reflections on Nietzsche and the Dark Triad
Reflections on Photography and Ethnoelephantology
Reflections on Seeing a Magpie
Reflections on Stephen Alexander's 'I Want to Hold Your Hand' - A Guest Post by Sally Guaragna
Reflections on Stephen Alexander's 'When the Moon Hits Your Eye' - A Guest Post by Sally Guaragna
Reflections on TB in the Age of Coronavirus
Reflections on the 2014 FIFA World Cup
Reflections on The Agony of Eros by Byung-Chul Han (Part 1: From Melancholia to Bare Life)
Reflections on The Agony of Eros by Byung-Chul Han (Part 2: From Porn to The End of Theory)
Reflections on The Bat 1: Theodore Roethke and the Unheimlich
Reflections on The Bat 2: Germaine Richier and Her Art of Becoming-Animal
Reflections on the Black Tree Frogs of Chernobyl
Reflections on The Blue Lagoon
Reflections on The Burnout Society by Byung-Chul Han (Part 1: From Neuronal Power to Vita Activa)
Reflections on The Burnout Society by Byung-Chul Han (Part 2: From The Pedagogy of Seeing to Burnout Society)
Reflections on the Death Mask (With Reference to the Case of L'Inconnue de la Seine)
Reflections on the Death of a Cow (with Reference to the Work of Damien Hirst)
Reflections on the Death of a Footballer
Reflections on the Death of a Jewel-Encrusted Tortoise
Reflections on the Death of a Sparrow (In Memory of Jodie Chesney)
Reflections on the Death of a Rat
Reflections on the Death of a Rhinoceros
Reflections on the Death of Steve Ditko
Reflections on the Georgia Guidestones
Reflections on the Goop Jade Egg
Reflections on The Holy Virgin Mary (1996)
Reflections on the Killing of a Porcupine
Reflections on the Lovely Lady Christabel
Reflections on the Loss of UR6
Reflections on the Porcupine Dilemma
Reflections on The Rokeby Venus
Reflections on the Sorcerer's Apprentice and the Villainy of Things
Reflections on the Snail
Reflections on The Strange Death of Europe: A Book For Thinking, Nothing Else
Reflections on The Transparency Society by Byung-Chul Han (Part 1: From The Society of Positivity to The Society of Evidence)
Reflections on The Tranparency Society by Byung-Chul Han (Part 2: From The Society of Pornography to The Society of Intimacy)
Reflections on The Transparency Society by Byung-Chul Han (Part 3: From The Society of Information to The Society of Control)
Reflections on the Typewriter 1: The Case of Martin Heidegger
Reflections on the Typewriter 2: How Derrida Put Down His Pen and Learned to Love a Keyboard
Reflections on the Typewriter 3: Nietzsche and His Golden Writing Ball
Reflections on 'The Yellow Wallpaper' (1892) by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Reflections on the Vacuum-Sealed Nature of Objects 1: Egoism a Deux
Reflections on the Vacuum-Sealed Nature of Objects 2: Ethico-Political Considerations
Reflections on the Verb to Be
Reflections on the Virgin Mary's Pussy
Reflections on the Vulture 1: Lawrence Doesn't Like Them
Reflections on the Vulture 2: The Poetic Vision of Robinson Jeffers
Reflections on the War in Ukraine and the Disquieting Problem of Actor-Politicians
Reflections on Wittgenstein's Rhino
Refections on the Woman with the Heart Shaped Face
Reflections on Two Paintings by Malcolm McLaren
Reflections on Two Speeches by Emmeline Pankhurst
Reflections on Venus Emerging Slowly From an Old Bathtub
Reflections on Vita Contemplativa by Byung-Chul Han (Part One)
Reflections on Vita Contemplativa by Byung-Chul Han (Part Two)
Reflections on Vita Contemplativa by Byung-Chul Han (Part Three)
Reincarnation is Making a Comeback: Notes on Chapter 3 of Metamorphoses by Emanuele Coccia
Release the Bats: Notes on the Genre Distinction between Poetry and Pop
Release the Hounds! (With Reference to Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights)
Remarks on Fifty Shades of Grey
Remembering Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita
Remembering Soho with Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin
Repress Nothing! In Memory of Otto Gross
Requiem pour un con (Was Jacques Prévert a Jerk?)
Return to Plato's Pharmacy
Revenge of the Flowers
Revenge of the Immortals
Revenge of the Macaques
Revenge of the Object
Revolt into Style
Revolutions are so vieux jeu
Richard Dawkins on Rape: Good Logic, Bad Thinking
Richard Lovatt Somers: Notes Towards a Character Study (Part 1)
Richard Lovatt Somers: Notes Towards a Character Study (Part 2)
Rilke: Letters on Cézanne (Some Brief Remarks)
Rioting: The Unbeatable High (With Reference to Current Events in France)
Rise of the Xenobots
Rocking the Lobster Look with Elsa Schiaparelli, Salvador Dalí and Cosmo Kramer
Rod Liddle: My Enemy's Enemy
Roethke and the Bat Boy (A Post on American Poetry and Popular Culture)
Roland Barthes: Essays and Interviews Vols. 1-5
Roland Barthes's Enigmatic Individualism
Ross Barkan's Dream of a New Romantic Age
Rupert Birkin and the Ichthyosaur
Rutiluphilia (Reflections on Redheads)
Sadiq Khan and the Insufferable Suffragettes
Sailing to Byzantium (Notes on Yeats and the Singularity)
Sanctus Januarius: A Nietzschean New Year Message
Sartre's Lobster (l'existentialisme est une peur des crustacés)
Satanic News 1: The Case of Sister Maria Crocifissa della Concezione and the Devil's Letter
Satanic News 2: The Case of Dilara Findikoglu and Her Infernal Fashion Show
Satanism is Not a Humanism
Save the Chimps of Monkey Island!
Save the Hedgehog
Say Hello Then!
Say No to Female Genital Mutilation
Scattered Pictures of the Smiles We Left Behind: In Memory of Four Treadwellians
Schizoanalysis Contra Psychoanalysis
Schlegel's Hedgehog
Schopenhauer and the Sea Turtles
Science is Universal
Screamin' Jay Hawkins: He'll Put a Spell on You
Screen Grab
Seeing with the Eyes of Angels (In Praise of Cubism)
Self-Enjoyment and Concern Part 1: The Moral Case Against Masturbation
Self-Enjoyment and Concern Part 2: The Aesthetico-Ethical Case For Masturbation
Selfies and the Rise of the Look Generation
Semen Shampoo and Set
Semen Terrorism
Send in the Clowns
Sensitive Hands on a Cyclops
Separating the Black Sheep from the Scapegoats
Serenity Now (Notes on 'The Flying Fish' by D. H. Lawrence)
Serge Gainsbourg: l'improbable artiste reggae
Seven Little Geese and One Little Greek
Sex on the Beach
Sexual Solipsism
Sexy Eiffel Towers
She Flows Lava: On Why the Volcanic Feminism of Betty Hirst is More Effusive Than Dada
She Never Lied to Us: Reflections on the Case of Irena Dubrovna
She Was Only a Farmer's Daughter ... Notes on the Case of Miriam Leivers
She Was Only a Horse-Dealer's Daughter
Shit Bow: Larry David and Roland Barthes on the Art of Japanese Etiquette
Shoes Please (My Favourite Mission: Impossible Moment)
Short Meditation on an Old School Photograph
Should Sade be Saved?
Should We Lose the Lads' Mags?
Should We Tax the Rich, Eat the Rich, or Kill the Poor?
Shrinking Violets
Sid Vicious: My Way
Sid Vicious Versus the Crucified
Siderodromophilia (A Post for Valentine's Day)
Silence is Violence (Or How Wokeism Restricts Freedom by Compelling Speech)
Silent Night Vs Non-Time (A Christmas Message)
Simian Aesthetics 1: The Case of Congo the Chimp
Simian Aesthetics 2: The Case of Pierre Brassau
Simon Schama Versus Rod Liddle
Simone de Beauvoir: Brigitte Bardot and the Lolita Syndrome (Pt. 1)
Simone de Beauvoir: Brigitte Bardot and the Lolita Syndrome (Pt. 2)
Simon's Dream Home: the Winchester Mystery House
Simply Nietzschean
Sing Hello
Sing if You're Glad to be Grey (On the Desire for the Neutral)
Sinister Writings 4: Purity is the Malign Inversion of Innocence
Sinister Writings 3: I Never Knew a Man Falling Was Such a Wonderful Thing
Sinister Writings 2: On the Sexual Politics of Adam and Eve
Sinister Writings 1: Angelic Oppression
Skinny Mannequin Sparks Outrage
Sheena: From Jungle Queen to Punk Rocker
Sleep and Dreams
Slippery When Wet: Reflections on D. H. Lawrence's Aquaphilia
Snapshots from 1983 (Featuring Johnny Rotten, Billy Bragg and Lorrie Millington)
Sofa So Good: On the Art of Fingering the Furniture (With Reference to D. H. Lawrence's 'The Thimble')
Sologamy (With Reference to the Case of Laura Mesi)
Some Dark Solar Reflections on a Grey Morning in September
Some Do the Deed With Many Tears and Some Without a Sigh: On Matricide
Some Wear Leather, Some Wear Lace
Something About Mary
Something Fishy
Sometimes, Better a Dead Mountain Lion Than a Live Dog
Sons and Killers
Soon It Will Be Easter
Sottorealism: Beneath Contempt ...?
Soured Through the Ages Like Piss Lemonade: Notes on Punk Is Dead (ed. Richard Cabut and Andrew Gallix)
Spare the Wasps
Speak no Evil
Spectres of Marx and Derrida: A Post in Response to a 6/20 Paper by John Holroyd
Spectrophilia (With Reference to Wuthering Heights)
Splashback (An Exchange of Views on Urine Therapy)
Spooks and Lovers: Halloween With D. H. Lawrence
St. Christopher: the Dog-Headed Saint
Steve Taylor's Softness Contra Nietzschean Hardness
Steven Shaviro on Warhol's Failure to Make Space
Still Life
Stone Me, What a Life! (A Brief Post in Memory of Tony Hancock)
Storming the Angel-Guarded Gates
Story of the Eye
Strange Flesh: Notes On Sodomy
Strange Fruit: an All-American Festival of Cruelty
Straw Dogs
Stupeur et tremblements
Stupid Is As Stupid Does (Notes on the Dunning-Kruger Effect)
Submission (On Christianity, Islam and the European Migrant Crisis)
Suffer the Little Children: D. H. Lawrence on Child Sexuality, Puberty, and Savage Initiation Rites
Suicide by Tiger (The Case of Sarah McClay)
Suicide Note
Summer Solstice with D. H. Lawrence (1910 - 1928)
Sun - Lizard - Rock
Suna no Onna (Sand Woman)
Sungazing (With Reference to the Case of Juliet, the Lawrentian Sun-Woman)
Supermassive Maternal Bodies (With Reference to the Case of Old Granny Saywell)
Supernature: Notes on the Worms of Chernobyl
Supposing Truth to be a Woman ...
Sur la terre et le terrorisme: A Brief Sadean Response to Rebecca Solnit
Survival in the Age of Coronavirus
Sweden: Vad Fan Gör Du?
Sweet Death (In Memory of Steve Priest)
Sweet Sixteen (In Memory of Sid Vicious and My Own Punk Youth)
Swimming Lessons
Sympathetic Reflections on the Case of Sir Clifford Chatterley
Sympathy for the Devil: Notes on D. H. Lawrence's Luciferianism (Easter with the Anti-Christ 2020)
Sympathy for the Devil: The Case of Milo Yiannopoulos
Synthetic Aesthetics: Notes on the Genius of Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg
Taharrush Gamea
Take a Walk Into a Future of Diminished Reality with Amy Webb ...
Taking a Trip Through The Beauty Jungle
Taking Civilisation to the Barbarians
Talaria: On the Secularisation of Winged Footwear from Hermes to Jeremy Scott
Tales from Storyville 1: Shame Upon Those Who Think Badly of It (With a Note on Tony Jackson)
Tales from Storyville 2: The Photos of E. J. Bellocq (With Notes from Susan Sontag)
Tales from Storyville 3: The Poet and the Prostitute (Bellocq's Ophelia by Natasha Trethewey)
Ta-ra-ra Boom-de-ay!
Taste the Rainbow
Technosexual Futures with Reference to the Case of Tanya (RealDoll 2 Configuration 1)
Tell Me Sweet Little Lies
Tell Them the Cross is a Tree Again
Tentacle Erotica
Thank Heaven for Little Girls
Thanks for the Memory (Notes on Hope and Heidegger)
That Chimp's Alright: In Memory of Koko
That City of Dreadful Night: D. H. Lawrence's Letters from Paris
That Queer Riviera Touch
That Voodoo That You Do
The Anarchic Symphony: Artificial Intelligence x Torpedo the Ark
The Art of Love
The Astounding Story of Olga Mesmer: The Girl with the X-Ray Eyes
The Ballerina is Not a Girl Dancing
The Banality of Evil
The Bats Have Left the Bell Tower: Reflections on Graveyard Poetry and Post-Punk Goth
The Bear Necessity: Reflections on the Case of Timothy Treadwell
The Becoming-Mellors of Oliver Parkin (Lady Chatterley's Lover)
The Best Things in Life Are Dirty: Reflections on Malcolm McLaren's Nostalgie de la boue
The Big Rock Candy Mountains
The Biophilia Hypothesis and Notes on Nature-Deficit Disorder
The Blue Boy Will Never Die: On Fear, Fashion and Immortality
The Blue Flower Post
The Bluebird
The Boy Looked at Johnny ...
The Broken Heart Knows No Country
The Butterfly Revelation: Notes on D. H. Lawrence and V. V. Rozanov
The Carolina Parakeet - He's Not Extinct, He's Resting ...
The Case of Alice Gross
The Case of Asifa Lahore
The Case of Dylan Alkins
The Case of Evelyn McHale (The Most Beautiful Suicide in the World)
The Case of Farah Ann Abdul Hadi (and Her Pudendal Cleft)
The Case of Ghoncheh Ghavami
The Case of Helly Luv
The Case of Jacintha Saldanha
The Case of Jessica Ahlquist: Evil Little Thing
The Case of Joyce McKinney
The Case of Kristina Pimenova
The Case of Leopold and Loeb
The Case of Maryam Namazie
The Case of Old Eguchi
The Case of Qandeel Baloch
The Case of Rachel Dolezal
The Case of Thomas Townsend (Germ Free Adolescent)
The Charm of Kink (with Reference to the Case of Mrs. Peel)
The Colour Purple
The Conspiracy against the Human Race
The Covid Nightmare (After D. H. Lawrence)
The Culture Cult
The Curse of Ham (Reflections on Genesis 9:20-27)
The Day of the Golden Jackal
The (Displaced) Task of the Translator 1: Magical Realism without the Magic - A Post by Simon Solomon
The (Displaced) Task of the Translator 2: Microdramas of Displacement - A Post by Simon Solomon
The (Displaced) Task of the Translator 3: On the Limits of Zeitgeistiness - A Post by Simon Solomon
The Doll, the Joker, and the Man Who Laughs
The Escaped Cock
The Face of Marlene Dietrich
The Filth and the Fury (Or Never Mind the Sex Pistols - Here's the Borborites)
The First Rule of Chinese Fight Club: the Authorities Always Win!
The Flood is Never Over
The Four Drakes: Part 1: Francis and Charlie
The Four Drakes: Part 2: Nick and Gabrielle
The Funniest and Sweetest Person: In Memory of Richard Lewis (1947-2024)
The Ghost of Alexander McQueen
The Goddess, the Whore, and the Policewoman (Notes on D. H. Lawrence's Apocalypse)
The Gods Have Become Our Diseases
The Gospel of Cool Hand Luke
The Great Beast is Dead (In Memory of Aleister Crowley)
The Great Rock 'n' Roll Castration
The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle
The Greatest Joy of All
The Greeks Had a Word For It: Thymos
The Grievance Collector
The Gulf War Is Still Not Happening
The Handmaid's Tale
The History of a Phone Box
The Hopi Indian Series: Indian Time
The Hopi Indian Series: Kachina Dolls
The Hopi Indian Series: Snake Dance
The Hour of the Star
The Human Body Does Not Exist
The Internet of Stings: On Apiculture and the Question Concerning Technology
The Joy of Buttons - A Guest Post by Christian Michel
The Joy of Hypertext
The Jungle of Everyday Life: In Anticipation of Rob Dunn's New Book 'Never Home Alone'
The Lady and the Chimp
The Last of the Groupies: In Memory of Nancy Spungen
The Laugh of the Medusa
The Little Dancer: Armed and Dangerous
The Living and the Dead
The Malcolm McLaren Estate Vs The Vivienne Foundation
The Man and the Dreaming Woman: Notes on D. H. Lawrence's The Witch à la Mode
The Man at Number 6 Meets Constantine Cavafy
The Man With the Child in His Eyes
The Man Who Slept: Notes on an Autobiographical Fantasy by D. H. Lawrence
The Masked Philosopher
The Model and the Mannequins
The Moon at the End of My Street
The Money Post
The Most Beautiful Streets of Paris (Notes on Surrealist Mannequin Fetish)
The Museum of Failed Products
The N-Word
The Naked Look: In Praise of the Backless / Strapless Dress
The Naked Truth About Unicorn Girls
The Nanny (1965)
The Nylon Riots
The Object is Poetics
The Obscene Beyond 1: It is So Lovely Within the Crack
The Omphalos Hypothesis
The Owl of Minerva
The Perfect Poem (Adapted from Balzac's Short Story Le Chef-d'œuvre inconnu)
The Perfect Shoe
The Phantom of the Opera: Monstrous of Face, Monstrous of Soul
The Picture of Douglas Murray
The Picture of Sebastian Horsley
The Plumed Serpent
The Politics of Friendship
The Politics of the Face
The Possibility of an Island: Reflections on the Case of John Allen Chau and the Sentinelese
The Portrait of Madame X
The Post of Proper Names
The Present is a Foreign Country
The Prince and the Pauper
The Prince and the Showbot (Or Why I Prefer Artificial Intelligence to Royal Stupidity)
The Queen, Princess Margaret, and Lady Chatterley
The Queer Case of Barry Jeans (aka The Menace)
The Rainbow
The Rape of Africa: David LaChapelle's Reimagining of Botticelli's Venus and Mars
The Revenge of the Mirror People
The Rich Can Buy Soap: Why I Find Shepard Fairey's Hope Poster Problematic
The Scar is the Eye of the Violet: On Stigmatophilia and Sexual Healing
The Scent of a Woman Called Gwyneth
The Second Coming (Notes on the European Migrant Crisis)
The Shamrock and the Swastika: Notes on Irish Republicanism and National Socialism
The Shape of Felines to Come: Brief Notes on the Speculative Evolution of the Cat
The Shocking Case of Sacco and Vanzetti
The Silence of the Moth
The Silver-Studded Blue Butterfly Post
The Sisters of Artemis
The Southend Venus
The Southend Venus (Alternative Version)
The Strange Case of Ray Comfort: Banana Man
The Study of Myth is an Occupation for Imbeciles
The Surreal Resurrection of Salvador Dalí
The SynBio Revolution
The Tears of Zena X (Written in the Style of Roland Barthes)
The Test on Miriam
The Three Ducks (Donald, Daffy & Howard)
The Three Questions
The Three Ruperts: Bear, Rigsby & Pupkin
The Tiger's Bride
The Tragic Tale of Two Dead Sea Eagles (and a Tory MP)
The Trapeze Artist
The Treadwell's Papers
The Trial of the New York Four
The Vamp: In Memory of Theda Bara
The Vivienne Westwood Story: Will It All End In Tears?
The Von Hell Diaries: 3 October 1982
The Voyeur
The Wheel is the First Principle of Evil
The Wisdom of Solomon 1: On Sincerity, Authenticity, Black Sheep and Scapegoats
The Wisdom of Solomon 2: On the Grain of the Voice and Further Remarks on Lunacy
The Woman Who Married the Eiffel Tower
Theme Tunes in a Man's Life
There is No Tongue That is Not Forked: Notes On Síomón Solomon's Fantasia of Translation
There's a Whip in My Valise
There's an Insulting Stereotype For That
There's No Fool Like an Old Fool: Notes on the Case of Ambrose the Masked Dancer
There's No Fool Like an Old Fool: Notes on the Case of Gustav von Aschenbach
There's Nowt so Queer as Folk
There She Blows! Carry On Columbus
There Will Always Be a Moon Over Baotou
These Are a Few of My Favourite Things: Films
These are a Few of My Favourite Things: Novels
These are a Few of My Favourite Things: Pop Singles (Top 40)
These are a Few of My Favourite Things: Sitcoms
These are a Few of My Favourite Things: Sounds of the Swinging Sixties
They Came from Outer Space
They Don't Shoot White Women Like Me ...
They Eat Donkeys Don't They?
They're in the Trees! (In Praise of Risky Play)
Think of the Children
This Be the Post
Thoughts Inspired by Ben Woodard's 'On an Ungrounded Earth' (2013)
Thoughts on D. H. Lawrence (Stephen Alexander in Conversation with David Brock)
Thoughts on the Phrase 'Black is Beautiful'
Thoughts on the Proposal for a New Lawrence Statue
Three Brief Extracts from a Study of Eric Gill
Three Cases of Brain Theft
Three Cool Cats: Félicette the Space Cat, Casper the Commuting Cat, and Oscar the Therapy Cat
Three Extracts from The Whip and the Wand (Paper VI in the 2005 Treadwell's Series Sex/Magic)
Three French Suicides: In Memory of Olga Georges-Picot, Christine Pascal, and Gilles Deleuze
Three Great Dictators and One Mad Poet
Three Great Liars 1: Nietzsche
Three Great Liars 2: Mark Twain
Three Great Liars 3: Oscar Wilde
Three More Cool Cats: CC, Room 8, and Henri, le Chat Noir
Three Portraits of Naomi 1: Naomi as Playmate, Bunny Girl and Jezebel
Three Portraits of Naomi 2: Naomi in the Cat House
Three Portraits of Naomi 3: Naomi's Fruit Passion
Thy Teeth Shall Not Do Him Violence, Nor Thy Bowels Contain His Glorious Body!
Ticked Off (Reflections on an Idyllic Essex Crime Scene)
Tickets Please (On the Buses with D. H. Lawrence)
Tie Me to a Tree: Notes on Chapter 4 of Metamorphoses by Emanuele Coccia
Till A' the Seas Gang Dry
Till Eulenspiegel and the German Obsession with Shit
'Tis Whiter Than an Indian Pipe ...
Tits and Beaks
To Have Done With the Judgement of Judy
To Hold On or Let Go (Reflections on a Garden Gnome)
To Hull and Back (In Memory of Gillian Hall)
To See a World in a Grain of Sand and Being in the Infinite Density of a Dot
To See More Clearly Than Ever Before (Notes on The Blue Lenses, by Daphne du Maurier)
To Think on One's Feet
Today I Saw the DragonflEye
Too Much Water-Jelly
Too Old to Live, Too Slow to Die
Torpedo the Ark
Torpedo the Ark: A Disclaimer
Torpedo the Ark - Fire 500! (Ibsen, Nietzsche, and the Question of Revolutionary Nihilism)
Torpedo the Ark Means: Everything's Funny (5th Anniversary Reflections on the Death of a Parakeet)
Torpedo the Ark Means: I Hate Everything
Torpedo the Ark Post 2399 on SCP-2399
Torpedo the Ark: Thoughts on the Occasion of a 1000th Post
Torpedo the Ark Versus the Censor-Bots
Torpedo the Ark Xmas Message 2015
Towards a Queer Ethology 1: Bambi's Revenge (The Case of the Carrion Deer)
Towards a Queer Ethology 2: Who Fucked Bambi? (The Case of the Deer-Loving Monkey)
Towards a Synthetic Nativity
Traducendo l'uomo nella Natura: Thoughts on the Work of Willy Verginer
Travels in Hyperculture With Byung-Chul-Han 1: We Are All Tourists Now
Travels in Hyperculture With Byung-Chul Han 2: Is There an Alternative to Tourism?
Tropics Not Really My Line: D. H. Lawrence's Letters from Ceylon
Two Great Dancers in Two Unforgettable Pop Videos: Maddie Ziegler and Sergei Polunin
Two Inconvenient Truths
Two Novels by Yukio Mishima 1: Confessions of a Mask (Reviewed by Tim Pendry)
Two Novels by Yukio Mishima 2: Forbidden Colours (Reviewed by Tim Pendry)
Two Postcards from Catalonia
Two Poster Designs for the 14th International D. H. Lawrence Conference (July 2017)
Two Poster Designs for the 14th International D. H. Lawrence Conference (July 2017)
Tyler Shields: Provocateur or Pale Imitator?
Übernatürlich: Jason DeMarte's Augmented Reality
Unbearably Beautiful: Why I Love the Photographs of Rachel Fleminger Hudson
(Un)Common People: Jarvis Cocker and William Shatner
Under the Radiation of New Skies: On the Spirit of Place and the Question of Migration
Unravelling the Mystery of the Sweater Girls
Unravelling the Mystery of the Sweater Girls 2: The Strange Case of Francine Gottfried
Upskirting with Francis Ponge
Vestis virum facit
Vibrant Matter
Virginia and the Duckworth Boys
Vive le flâneur - et la flâneuse!
Vivienne Westwood (A Personal Recollection)
Waiting for the Migrants (After Cavafy)
Walking the Lobster
War Post
War - What is it Good For?
Was D. H. Lawrence a Primitive Communist?
Watching the Detectives: King of the Cops
Watching the Detectives: Notes on Special Branch and The Sweeney
Watching the World Turn Day-Glo: Notes on Plastic Eating Bacteria
Watching the World Turn Day-Glo: Welcome to the Plastisphere
Waxing Philosophical on Insincerity
We Are All Fashion Clowns
We Old Ones, We Are Still Here!
Welcome to Essex (Notes on the Dagenham Idol)
Welcome to Free Town (Beware of the Bears!)
Welcome to Taiji Cove
Welcome to Essex (Notes on the Dagenham Idol)
Welcome to Free Town (Beware of the Bears!)
Welcome to Taiji Cove
Welcome to the Desert of the Real
We'll Never Have Paris: une critique pour le 14 julliet
Well There's Nothing More Revolutionary Than Calling for Communism Then Diddling the Maid
Welsh Rabbit (Reflections on St. David's Day)
Wenn Ich Kultur Höre ... The Rise and Fall of Hanns Johst
We're All Austrians Now (Reflections Beneath a Black Sun)
We're All Going on a Summer Holiday (Notes on the Photography of Bernard Faucon)
What are Poets for ...?
What Becomes of the Broken Hearted?
What Big Teeth You Have: Notes on D. H. Lawrence and Dental Morphology
What I Believe
What If the Nazis Had Embraced Modern Art?
What if the Shoe Were on the Other Foot?
What Was I Thinking? (18 March)
What Was I Thinking? (8 April)
What Was I Thinking? (29 April)
What Was I Thinking? (22 May)
What Was I Thinking? (2 June)
What Was I Thinking? (28 June)
What Was I Thinking? (13 December)
What Was I Thinking? (28 December)
Whatever Happened to the Bosworth Boys?
Whatever Happened to the Likely Lasses?
Whatever It Is, I'm Against It!
What's-a-Matter Midge? (Hey!)
What's in a Name? Quite a Lot When That Name is Scardanelli
When Ancient and Modern Worlds Collide: Notes on the Profane Fate of Plato's Sacred Olive Tree
When D. H. Lawrence Met G. I. Jane
When Even the Flies Leave You Alone: Ernest Becker's 'The Denial of Death' as Interpreted by Sebastian Horsley
Where Every White Face ... Remembering That Time When the Clash Went on Their Very Own Dreadlock Holiday
Where History and Crime Intersect: On the Philosophical Fascination for Murder with Reference to the Case of Prado
When I Play With My Cat ... (Notes Towards a Feline Philosophy)
When Jayne Met Anton
When Jayne Met Sophia
When Jayne Went to Ireland
When Jerry Seinfeld and Quentin Tarantino Met Lawrence Tierney ...<br />
When Jiggs the Chimp Met Dorothy Lamour
When Marlene Dietrich Met Édith Piaf
When Marlene Dietrich Met Marilyn Monroe
When Melvyn Met Malcolm (A Brief Reflection on The South Bank Show Episode 178)
When the Cat Lies Down With the Rat
Where Do You Get Your Ideas From?
Where the Turtle Doves Sing (Reflections on Pubic Hair with Reference to the Cases of D. H. Lawrence and Eric Gill)