Showing posts with label keir starmer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label keir starmer. Show all posts

13 Aug 2024

Why I Don't Believe in the Ruins

Buenaventura Durruti (1896-1936)

Whilst, philosophically, I am opposed to ideas of Wholeness or those structures - be they narratives, cathedrals, or classic rock albums - which would enframe us within the Absolute, as a political thinker I have never believed in the ruins with the same degree of fervour as the Spanish anarchist Buenaventura Durruti who famously declared in an interview:
"We are not in the least afraid of ruins. We are going to inherit the earth and we carry a new world here, in our hearts." [1]
Such idealism - based on the Christian-moral conviction that one day the powerless shall triumph [2] and the utopian dream of a better future - always seems to end in a good deal of misery and suffering for those it promised to liberate, precisely because it's always easier to smash the old world and remain living among the ruins than it is to build up new habitats.  
Thus, whether it's the Khmer Rouge calling for Year Zero in Cambodia in the 1970s, or Keir Starmer's mission-driven Labour government presently promoting Net Zero here in the UK, I do not trust the zealotry that lies behind such thinking and suspect that A believer in the ruins is happy to pull the house down providing he can rule over the rubble ... [3]   
[1] It now seems certain that the interview with the Dutch-Canadian journalist Pierre van Paassen in which Durruti is reported as having said this - published in the Toronoto Star on 18 August 1936 - never took place and that Van Paassen either imagined it entirely, or drew upon remarks made to other reporters and published in other articles.
       Thus, amusingly, the most famous utterance of Spain's most famous anarchist is a romantic fiction. Nevertheless, as one commentator says, "it has resonated across the decades as a summation of revolutionary anarchist politics, a poetic and highly quotable paraphrasing of Bakunin, which was presumably Van Paassen's source material when formulating his most celebrated passage". 
      See Danny Evans, 'A Pile of Ruins? Pierre van Paassen and the Mythical Durruti' (12 Oct 2022) on - click here.  
[2] See Matthew 5:5. I am aware that the Greek term πραεῖς [praus] which appears in the New Testament is usually translated as 'meek' in English, but I'm happy to go along with scholars, such as John Nolland, who argue that powerless is a more accurate interpretation. 
[3] According to the fact checking site, the line that I paraphrase here - 'An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes' - is misattributed to the Chinese philosopher and military strategist Sun Tzu. Nevertheless, that hasn't prevented it from being widely shared on social media during the last four years. 

5 Jul 2024

Dark Enlightenment 3: On the Zombie Apocalypse

'Democracy is as close to a precise negation of civilization 
as anything could be, short of instantaneous social collapse into 
murderous barbarism or zombie apocalypse (which it eventually leads to).'
According to Nick Land [1], it's not only popular culture that ends up eating itself, but democracy too becomes self-devouring in what he refers to as the zombie apocalypse, which is why, as we saw in an earlier post, those who can are already searching for an exit and regard flight as a matter of imperative.
But what, exactly, does Land mean by this phrase; one that derives from a subgenre of horror fiction in which an overwhelming plague of undead zombies results in the total breakdown of society and leaves just a small group of individuals who have been unable to flee struggling to survive. 
That's what we are going to discuss here ...
If the idea of a zombie apocalypse entered the popular imagination thanks to George A. Romero's 1968 classic movie Night of the Living Dead, it's Land who places the idea within a neoreactionary political context [2] - although, it's true of course, that many other artists and theorists have used the phrase to metaphorically express various cultural anxieties and social tensions.   
Land - who, as a philosopher, is kind of a cross between Thomas Hobbes, Georges Bataille, and H. P. Lovecraft - conceives the dynamics of democratisation as fundamentally degenerative; "systematically consolidating and exacerbating private vices, resentments, and deficiencies until they reach the level of collective criminality and comprehensive social corruption". 

Bound together by a circuit of reciprocal incitement, democratic governments and the people who elect them push one another further and further towards "ever more shameless extremities" including cannibalism. Idealists call this progress; neoreactionaries, however, see only voraciousness and fear that the authorities will ultimately be unable to "spare civilization from frenzied, ruinous, gluttonous debauch" - i.e., the zombie apocalypse. 
As the democratic virus works its way through society, says Land, then concern with the past and long-term planning into the future both die away and are replaced by "a sterile, orgiastic consumerism, financial incontinence, and a 'reality television' political circus". As we are trapped in a perpetual present at the end of history, it makes perfect sense to "eat it all now". 

Finally, to help readers understand how we got where we are today, i.e., stuck in an age of relentless state expansion, spurious human rights, and mind control ensuring defence of a universalistic dogma, Land provides a convenient guide to the main sequence of modern political regimes, that I think it worth reproducing here [3]:
Regime 1: Communist Tyranny 
Typical Growth: -0% 
Voice / Exit: Low / Low 
Cultural climate: Pyschotic utopianism 
Life is … hard but ‘fair’ 
Transition mechanism: Re-discovers markets at economic degree-zero 
Regime 2: Authoritarian Capitalism 
Typical Growth: 5-10% 
Voice / Exit: Low / High 
Cultural climate: Flinty realism 
Life is … hard but productive 
Transition mechanism: Pressurized by the Cathedral to democratize 
Regime 3: Social Democracy 
Typical Growth: 0-3% 
Voice / Exit: High / High 
Cultural climate: Sanctimonious dishonesty 
Life is … soft and unsustainable 
Transition mechanism: Can-kicking runs out of road 
Regime 4: Zombie Apocalypse 
Typical Growth: N/A 
Voice / Exit: High (mostly useless screaming) / High (with fuel, ammo, dried food, precious metal coins) 
Cultural climate: Survivalism 
Life is … hard-to-impossible 
Transition mechanism: Unknown 
The question, I suppose, is: How seriously should we take Land's thoughts on these matters? 
Well, when I first encouraged readers of Torpedo the Ark to accept the challenge of his writings on dark enlightenment back in October 2015 - click here - I have to admit that I didn't take them as seriously as I do now. 
The world has changed dramatically in the last decade, however, and changed in a manner which, it seems to me, only lends credence to Land's analysis. One worries more now about the fate of the West than one worried ten years ago  and it seems to me that offensive strategies are required urgently if we are to avoid a zombie apocalypse (that defensive strategies, such as quarantine, just won't do the trick).
Although, if I'm honest, I suspect it's already too late and the election of Keir Starmer's Labour government with a huge majority here in the UK hardly fills me with hope for the future ...

[1] See Nick Land, The Dark Enlightenment (Imperium Books, 2022). The essay, written in 2012, is also available online: click here. Note that I am quoting from the first and third parts of this online version.
[2] Having said that, one might recall the 1940 film The Ghost Breakers (dir. George Marshall, 1940), starring Bob Hope as Larry Lawrence who delivers a hilarious line concerning zombies and democrats: click here
[3] Note that by Voice / Exit Land refers to freedom of speech contra the far more substantial autonomy of the sovereign individual (i.e., the freedom to act without state interference and the freedom to leave when state interference in and control over one's life becomes intolerable). And note also that for all regimes, growth expectations assume moderately competent population.
Dark Enlightenment 1: On the Politics of Hate (4 July 2024): click here.  
Dark Enlightenment 2: On Exiting the Present (5 July 2024): click here
Dark Enlightenment 4: On Rejecting Universalism (6 July 2024): click here.